Read this whole 🧵to🤯

We all know one of *those* "not-quite-a-covidiot" people, right?

- Always points out it's mainly old people from LTCF's who have died.
- Believes gov't shouldn't mandate masks - should be a personal choice (but does often wear them) /1
- Thinks the gov't should "guide" but that people should have the freedom to comply / there shouldn't be consequences
- Thinks restaurants need to be open and economy needs to be humming, despite COVID
- Doesn't really think borders should be closed. /2
- Thinks everyone should just chill, stop complaining, go skiing, or go outside for a walk with a friend
- Thinks testing doesn't really work and rapid tests especially are useless
- Doesn't acknowledge aerosol spread
- Thinks kids don't really get sick and never transmit /3
- Thinks schools HAVE to be open because "lost learning" and again, "parents must work"
- Thinks teachers "whine too much;" when they bother to acknowledge teachers exist at all
- Thinks schools only reflect community transmission and never contribute to the pandemic /4
- Thinks we should all just go on a staycation to a nearby ski hill
- Thinks it's important the rest of Canada comes skiing too - we can't hope to keep variants out anyways
- Does admit apres ski is dangerous but doesn't think gov't should do anything about it /5
- Is ok with high case counts, especially since most aren't right where they live / they're fully insulated through privilege
- Likes to point out that BC isn't an island.
- Points out we depend on cross-border commerce (despite the fact EVERYWHERE does). /6
- Thinks COVID is really just like the flu
- Is never swayed when new studies disprove their beliefs
- Believes they're NEVER wrong

What do you DO about that person?

What do you do when that person is BC's PHO? /7

#bced #bcpoli
Go back and read it all again, with Dr. Henry in mind. It'll blow your mind. Our PHO is indistinguishable from your annoying friend on FB that denies what's worked well elsewhere

(This epiphany brought to you by an observation by @Heyheydownthes1 ) /end
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