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💔This week’s phobia is #Philophobia, the fear of love.
Happy late Valentine’s Day!

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!
🌊This week’s phobia is #Scyphophobia, the fear of jellyfish.

This phobia is often based around getting stung by one.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!
📺This week’s phobia is #Kyrofelonoshophobia, the fear of cartoon characters.

This phobia is the most commonly seen in children.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

8️⃣This week’s phobia is #Octophobia, the fear of the number 8.

If you're afraid of more than one number you have arithmophobia.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

🎵This week’s phobia is #Aulophobia, the fear of flutes.

This phobia can stem from the look or sound of the flute.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

🧠This week’s phobia is #Epistemophobia, the fear of knowledge.

This phobia is also known as gnosiophobia.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

🟢This week’s phobia is #Blennophobia, the fear of slime.

The Greek prefix “blenno” means mucus.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

🚗This week’s phobia is #Motorphobia, the fear of automobiles.

Motorphobia is related to Ochophobia (fear of vehicles).

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

⚡This week’s phobia is #Electrophobia, the fear of electricity.

The prefix ‘electro’ means electricity.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

📦This week’s phobia is #Claustrophobia, the fear of enclosed spaces.

5-7% of the world population is estimated to have this phobia.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

🔆This week’s phobia is #Petraphobia, the feat of rocks.

The Greek word “petros” means stone or rock.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

😳This week’s phobia is #Erythrophobia, the fear of blushing!

Erythrophobia is also known as the fear of the color red.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
Welcome back to #PotW!

💃This week’s phobia is #Chorophobia, the fear of dancing!

Chorophobia is often associated with the fear of embarrassment.

Do you have any unique interpretations of this phobia? Feel free to reply to this thread with your ideas!🕸️
You can follow @PhobiasZine.
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