Thanks everyone who has followed me bc of my viral shinee tweet. So a bike is "fixed gear" when the cog is "fixed" to the back wheel so when the back wheel is moving the pedals are moving. This allows the rider to exert much more control over the rotation of the back wheel and
the execution of tricks like skids, jumps, bar spins, riding backward, etc. did you know that neoboy na jaemin rides fixed gear
here's jaemin talking about his fixed gear. also I'm pretty sure he rides a massive gear... front chain ring looked huge in the pics I'd guess a 52 or higher? it's a speed-focused build. which means high resistance on inclines.. which means thunder thighs
the "gear ratio" (# chain ring teeth/# of back cog teeth) is how hard it is to pedal. A high ratio (large ring/small cog) means each rotation of the pedals moves the back wheel more > faster speed. downside is climbing hills is HARD
my everyday is a 42/16 which is fairly low but i live in a hilly area, so it's a good monster for tackling long climbs... the conversion I just built for playing around is a 46/16
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