I watched blue clues when I was little,I'm just really happy..... ?
I saw some comments saying that it's too early for young kids to learn something especially about the lgbtq+ part, but in my opinion, this song doesn't only talk about this lgbtq+ thing(p)... It also talk about equality (e), loving our planet and wildlife (w),etc...
This song is mainly telling kids to respect everyone despite the difference between everyone, such as gender, disability, sexuality, race and many others, it tell kids to love our planet and protect animals, more importantly it tell kids to love everyone and love life....
It's a nice children song, nothing is too young to learn something especially kids are the most crucial phase to educate them since they absorb stuff more during this phase,teaching them to respect and accept differences is something that I really love about this song....
Telling them about lgbtq+ doesn't mean teaching kids sexual stuff, sex Ed is really being promoted to kids since it really, really teach kids how to protect themselves and also respect different sexs.... When I was younger, I didn't got exposed to these stuff and I'm just....
Really sad that I didn't, after knowing it, it makes me actually discover something about myself and I learned to have boundaries(in my late teens) anyway, I just randomly type this cause I'm bored, also these are just my personal opinions.
Now looking back at this thread,I forgot to mention that teaching kids about lgbt is not teaching kids about sexual stuff,but like telling them like in Cinderella prince fall in love to a kind girl is a happy thing,if they saw a gay couple in public,they should understand it’s..
Completely understandable and respectful and happy about it as well and it should be treated the same as a straight couple as well...
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