Predatory theology:

Teaching people not to trust their intuition and convincing them emotions are “from the flesh” and shouldn’t be trusted.

Equating submission to church leaders to submission to God.

Convincing people they are but “filthy rags”.

Equating forgiveness with impunity, and telling people those who don’t forgive won’t be forgiven by God.

Demonizing non-Christians.

Telling people they’ll be in danger of spiritual attacks if they leave the church or the faith.

Demonizing those who leave the church.

Asserting that honoring authority figures pleases God.

Teaching women that “do not make your brother stumble” makes us responsible for men’s behavior if we wear, say or do anything that could be taken as flirting.

Asserting volunteer work at a church is God’s will.

Telling people they haven’t healed because they haven’t prayed enough.

Teaching tithing is mandatory for belonging.

Asserting God wants us to sacrifice what we want/love most for *him.*

Teaching people God will reward them for their financial sacrifices or time sacrifices.

Telling people that if everything is fine then they aren’t pressing into God enough - creating addiction to drama.

Teaching people pleasure is sinful.

Teaching people suffering is a gift from God.

Teaching other’s blood is on people’s hands if they don’t “work for God.”

Telling people that honest, valid discomfort is a “thorn in the flesh” they need to learn to live with.

Demanding people accept theology that doesn’t make sense to them because “we can’t understand everything.” - normalizing cognitive dissonance.

Predatory theology normalizes abuse and can make abuse seem like it is what God wants for people. It is dangerous theology that keeps people inside of abusive spaces, submissive to abusive people; and it causes severe psychological torment.
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