This is all part of the long history of the right wing media sphere feeding lies about who to blame for economic woes, obviously you can look at the Great Depression and rise of the Nazis and similar movements in the US but lets start with the dot com bust
The dot com bust was mostly the fault of Clinton era deregulation pushed in no small part by the Newt backed house, mostly the Telecommunications Act of 1996, but happened to hit in the months before 9/11

Because of 9/11 people forget the economy was already in a major...
..downturn. So Bush II got to blame 9/11 for the economic downturn, which didn't help but also wasn't the cause

Flash forward to the 2008 market crash, again mostly caused by deregulation and lack of enforcement of existing rules/law
The crash hits towards the very end of Bush IIs term and in fact one of his last big acts is to pass T.A.R.P

Which bailed out the banks and financial arms of major corporations that had been effected by the subprime loan bust, many had also been the cause
So why does this matter in light of the article about the attack on the capitol?

The recovery from 08' never reached main street, salaries never recovered and those that entered the workforce post crash earn far less than those that entered before
Even tho both crashes happened during the Bush years he isn't blamed for either. Fox News and the Koch Brothers funded orgs launched the Tea Party in 2010 and pinned the downturn and recovery issues on Obama and spread the lie he was behind TARP
Now you are a white small business owner who was chugging along through the Clinton and Bush years and now Obama is president and you hear over and over the government is helping the banks and Solyndras but not YOU

You who almost lost your McMansion in the downturn
You who feel the government is helping fund "welfare queens" after seeing day in and day out Fox News stories about Acorn and welfare fraud

The government does more for Dreams than you while you are going into debt to send your kids to college
Fox and talk radio assure you none of this is your fault, you did nothing wrong, it's "them" that are wrong

Along comes Trump, he's brash, he's loud, he's not a "politician"

He feeds your anger, he is going to punish those that hurt you during the Obama years
He is going to put the banks and immigrants and elites and everyone else that isn't you that caused your woes in their place!

but he doesn't does he? He ends up wasting time, throwing rallies, the virus comes, the market crashes

PPP goes to the banks again, it doesn't help... the way you thought it would

But wait there is Q and new channels, OANN/NewsMax, that tell you what Fox News isn't. There is plan, you will still get your just deserts against those evil forces that wronged you

Than the 2020 election happens and Biden wins
Those people that wronged you under Obama are about to have power again and surely must feel like you did in 2016, the will want revenge and to strip you and yours in the name of antifa and affirmative action

Trump tells you Biden didn't win, that you can fight back against...
..the evil forces that he has been fighting as part of the plan. So you board a plane or bus and go to DC to fight for your President against those people.

And then the unimaginable happens, he abandons you. You are left out there holding your dick in your hand
But of course once again, just like when you took out that subprime loan, without reading the small text or doing any due diligence, to expand your business or buy that dream home just outside your means, none of it is your fault
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