Symptoms I didn't know were #ADHD related:

(an incomplete list, in no special order, however they come to my mind)
1. Broken jewelry:

Bracelets and watches were constantly broken because I unintentionally banged my arms against walls.
Rings had signs of wear after a few days because I was constantly playing with them.
Necklaces broke because I had them in my hands all the time
2. Obsessive gaming:

During the summer vacations, I spent whole days or weeks in front of the computer doing nothing but gaming.
3. Forgetting names:

If someone tells me their name, I'm guaranteed to forget it 5 minutes later. If I haven't had anything to do with a person for a long time, I forget their name.
4. Dyslexia:

I was diagnosed with it in 5th/6th grade. I didn't know that there was an overlap with ADHD.
5. Daydreaming:

For as long as I can remember, I have been a daydreamer. Whether it was in the form of reading a book or just getting lost in thought for hours, there never was a life without it.
6. Sleep problems:

Whether it's because I can't put the book aside or because my mind can't get to rest, I've been struggling with sleep problems for a long time.
7. Caffeine shows no typical effect:

The only time I can remember any effect (= shaky hands) was the first time I drank an energy drink. But that could also have been due to the sugar.
8. Forgetfulness:

I constantly and always forget everything. Even things that are important to me.
9. Sensitive to criticism/stupid jokes:

I like to receive criticism and be criticized. However, especially when my family made it in the form of "jokes" that focus on my bad traits, I have a very hard time with it.
10. Over-punctuality:

Because I have absolutely no sense of time, I have started to always be there way too early. But especially at appointments that are very close or where it has no consequence, I still come late more often than not.
11. Creativity:

Shortly after I learned to write, I had written my first story. It was over 14 pages long.
12. Empathy:

I am very empathic. This can be painful and exhausting, but also very helpful when you want to be there for others.
13. Strong sense of justice:

Injustice has literally always been a thorn in my side. People should be treated equally!
14. Aimlessness:

What do I want to work as? What is my dream job?
It changes weekly! Woohoo...
15. Chaos:

Whether in my room, with documents, or in my thoughts. My life is characterized by chaos.
16. Sensory sensitivity:

Loud noises don't work at all, the smell of chamomile and lavender makes me feel sick, and my glasses automatically darken in sunlight because otherwise, I get a headache.
17. What I don't see, I forget:

Like this thread. Or the 10000 other things I can't remember right now. It's called object permanence.
18. Make long-term decisions:

After all, there's still a month to go. That's still soooooo long (fun fact: for what I need to do, it doesn't seem long).
19. Not practice playing the piano:

I either couldn't remember or couldn't motivate myself to do it. But then panicked before a concert and memorize the whole song.
20. "You're too sensitive." or "You're exaggerating, it's not that bad."

Yes, it is to me. Just because it doesn't seem that way to you doesn't make my feelings matter any less.
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