an alternative geometry of love: not the heart but the circle

1. letter from tove jansson to her partner tuulikki pietilä, 1968

2. barthes, a lover’s discourse, 1977

3. anne boyer, “a sonnet from the archives of love‘s failures, volumes 1-3.5 million,” 2013
a (transitive) pair of letters emily dickinson sent in 1862. the first to dr & mrs j.g. holland, the second to t.w. higginson

to love = her business = circumference

love = circumference
scoring rules from official u.s. tennis handbook

i like this one bc “no point” = score zero, i.e. a 0

& also because to have “no point” is to be rounded, of course

and love’s quality of having “no point” makes it resistant to utilitarian extraction
from donne’s “a valediction: forbidding mourning,” pub 1633
tove jansson’s watercolor of missing her first girlfriend vivica bandler

‘thingumy’ is the english-lang. rendering of tove’s nickname for herself, ‘tofslan.’ in swedish vivica is called ‘vivslan’ by tove.
oops, ‘vifslan,’ i mean
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