A few things I wonder about when I think of gender neutral bathrooms
Will there still be posters for women experiencing DV? Or will they get torn down? Will women still feel safe to call them from there?
Will there still be sanitary products? Or will they be deemed triggering or offensive?
Will women still feel safe to talk to and get help from other women in there if they are on a date that's going bad, or a man is harassing them?
Will people just end up fucking in them like they do in club bathrooms?
Will there be regular checks for things like spycams? This happens even in sex segregated bathrooms, but there would be far more opportunities to place them now, so would there be an increase?
Will the 10-15 million women in the UK alone who have been sexually abused or raped feel safe to use them, or will they be on a urinary leash? If they don't feel safe, will they be told to just "get over" their trauma? Why are soldiers not told to "get over" their trauma?
Will Muslim women have a space where they can adjust their hijab?
If an increase in assaults on women is observed, as we have seen previously, what will be done? How many assaults are acceptable, before it is acknowledged as a problem?
If a woman suffers an unfortunate period disaster, will she feel safe/comfortable using the bathroom to try and sort herself out?
If women and trans women are already uncomfortable sharing bathrooms with men, how will gender neutral bathrooms solve this?
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