It doesn't look like much, but here is the Homemaker Topologise add-on identifying external walls using @topologicBIM
..once the external wall paths are detected using Topologic, it is easy to extrude them to the correct height and thickness with blender modifiers
More Topologic experiments, identifying internal walls as well as external walls
Here's the connectivity graph between spaces/rooms
..floors too
An illustration how @topologicBIM is much more forgiving when extracting cells from a blender mesh
Not quite sure how this will work out, but Topologic might be very good for drawing complex roof shapes
This is the geometry that generates the previous roof shape
A more complex roof shape
Generating IFC entities for building elements. First image is some rough sketch geometry used to define the Topologic CellComplex
Parts of generated buildings can now have different styles, assigned by setting materials of the source geometry
Still lots of bugs to iron out, but here is a better illustration, the ground floor and top floor are the 'default' style, but the middle floor is 'fancy'
'Topologic Alley' (requested by my daughter)
This is the geometry definition for 'Topologic Alley'
Some more work in progress, an adjacency graph of rooms is used to check connectivity. The only visible result so far is that doors don't appear between kitchens and bathrooms.
Lots of work under the hood in the last month, a whole new style definition system, and slowly porting everything from perl to python. This geometry is created with the new ifcopenshell python api
A bit of a milestone, I've removed the Perl backend entirely, the Homemaker add-on is now 100% python running inside Blender. Doesn't seem too crashy so far.
Walls such as gables now follow the roofline using polygonal bounded half space clipping
Some light relief, repeating elements can be added to any part of the building, with lots of control over alternation, spacing, offsets, layering etc.
Repeating elements showing nesting, recursion and alternation
IfcSpace entities are now clipped to fit rooms with irregular ceilings
Roofs are now IFC elements, some tidying up to do
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