On a scale of 0 to 100, how much power do you have over temptations?

0 = no power, always tempted
100 = not tempted at all

Type your answer e.g. 0, 1 .. 25 .. 50 .. 75 .. 99, 100
Devil is an evil genius. Intelligent & clever than anyone.

A 'spiritual being' that can work on our thoughts, moods & emotions. It can visit (or live in) anyone, any time.

But you can develop power (skill: knowledge, experience) to resist or overcome its gestures & temptations.
Halfway on 23 March (Atheist Day) we retweeted the poll to our 'atheist friends' 😂. Compare result with previous poll of 2 March👇 https://twitter.com/ttgconsult/status/1366790514989817856
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