The global, independent #DasguptaReview on the economics of biodiversity commissioned by @hmtreasury was published today.

What does it say? šŸ¤”

A short thread (1/8)
Our economies, livelihoods and well-being all depend on our most precious asset: Nature.

Biodiversity enables Nature to be productive, resilient and adaptable.

We are all asset managers - all econ decisions influence mix of capital assets (produced, human and natural) (2/8)
We have failed to manage Nature, as our demands have significantly outstripped its supply.

The approach Humanity has taken to prosper has come at Natureā€™s expense.

@EndOvershoot suggest 1.6 Earths needed to maintain the current global economy.

This is unsustainable (3/8)
Our current engagement with Nature is endangering current and future prosperity.

5 mass extinctions in planetā€™s history ā€“ current engagement is driving a 6th. Many ecosystems at risk of tipping points and regime shifts.

Biodiversity loss = ā†‘ risksĀ  + ā†“ resilience (4/8)
Why have we failed? Deep-rooted, widespread institutional failure .

Natureā€™s societal worth not reflected in market prices. But this is not simply market failure.

Many aspects of Nature give rise to externalities. Our institutions have proved unfit to manage them (5/8)
The solution starts with a simple truth: our economies are embedded within Nature.

Standard macroeconomics doesnā€™t reflect ecology ā€“ i.e economic activities all depend + impact on Nature.

Bounded nature of the global economy has implications for sustainable development (6/8)
Engaging sustainably with Nature means changing how we think, act and measure success.Ā šŸ’­āœļøšŸ“

Proposed 3 connected transitions - each underpinned by several actions:

(1) ā†“ demands + ā†‘ Natureā€™s supply

(2) Ī” measures of success

(3) Transform institutions + systems

Change is possible.

The problems we face today at their core are no different from those our ancestors faced.

The same ingenuity that led us to quickly create large and damaging demands on Nature can be repurposed.

Our descendants deserve nothing less (8/8)
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