The mayor of Bristol promotes Lloyds bank linked charities for ordinary people while the deep public purses are used to enrich corporations @Glutenfreescone

(There's even a picture reminiscent of Kes; we really are being led to Victorian/Thatcher times)
The mayor is using his public role to promote a charity that is associated with the company he works for. Is that appropriate?
Lloyds Bank' equity arm owns Plimsoll Productions.
Paul Hamlyn Foundation funded Good Faith Partnership in the mayor's office.
We could have had a socialist government but politicians like Rees promote messages like: "one of the ways we can build back better is through charities, community groups, and doing good through business."

And then take second jobs and pay rises funded by the public. Shameful.
"A social enterprise is any business with a primary aim of bringing about social or environmental change for good, such as zoos"

Zoos of course being animal prisons run so owners can profit.
Who funds the charity creators?

"We’re grateful to Bristol City Council for its support, as well as to the West of England Combined Authority, the UK Government, and the EU’s European Regional Development Fund for their funding for this project."

We do. Funded by tax payers.

Strange to read "this charity does not raise funds from the public" when it gets money form BCC and Weca who are funded by taxpayers.
Also: "Total income includes £34,232 from 1 government contract(s) and £60,000 from 1 government grant(s)"
Lloyds Bank own Plimsoll Productions, which pays the mayor for non-Executive director role.
The Paul Hamlyn Foundation has paid £152k to the Good Faith Partnership who worked in the mayor's office and are now paid to find funding for City Office.
Here's a thread on the Good Faith Partnership:
Here’s the mayor saying there will never be a conflict of interest with Plimsoll.
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