A #toxic decade long close friendship!Should’ve avoided it way back then!Her then husband was a dick to me,with pain&tears I tolerated him for sake of our friendship!He used her like anything,she came to her senses&divorced!Then among her #men,I knew #two,generally good fellas...
..But when she broke up with them,I was always there for her!Yet a few times she’s thrown me under abus!Once I told her”Boyfriends might come&go,but good friends are forever”Her latter guy she almost married,but living together during #COVID19 postponed it&she had enough of him..
..I constantly showed her my support!But never appreciated her judgmental attitudes,be it towards me or others!Now am 4weeks off my meds!Going through withdrawals,my stress&anxiety@its peak🤯she stressed me out adding to my depression&have no patience left in me!Yet I was polite!
Am so tired!She was my closest friend in #SriLanka@hour of my need I don’t have anyone!Am going through so much pain!Off #Duzela30 for 4weeks&only on diabetic meds!Have suffered on my own&survived on my own&still surviving!So tired!Struggling through my depression!Exhausted😣😔😓
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