The SO is really into movies over series right now which means he keeps saying yes to whatever movie I want to watch. Last night I scored with Barefoot in the Park, so gotta go easy on him tonight and will propose we watch Big.
Tonight he picked and we’re watching Pacific Rim. I’ve never see it and the gargantuan size of the kaiju makes my heart pound.
Alright, his pick again. The original Tron on an 18-year-old DVD, which kicks off advertising an app you can download as an .exe
The best part of Tron IMO is all of the tech puns.
Tonight is the Neverending Story.
It’s still good.
Tonight was my choice and for whatever reason I’ve been thinking about Cape Fear, so that’s what we’re watching.
Cape Fear is really fucking creepy.
Actually I’m going to go ahead and say Cape Fear is Not Good At All
I missed it, but Monday was Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure (which I promptly fell asleep for the entirety after both cats came & snuggled on my neck/chest), last night was Groundhog Day (obvs). Tonight I’m angling for The Wedding Singer bc I need mindless entertainment.
He has agreed! So, tonight’s the Wedding swinger, which is not my favorite Adam Sandler movie. My favorite is Little Nicky.
Okay y’all. Tonight we’re watching Pecker, which I haven’t seen in an easy 15 years, but remember really liking. Let’s see if it holds up to the memory!
Real Genius. His choice. Tomorrow is a Gnome Named Gnorm after today’s technical difficulties.
A day behind on the timing but @cocachina wtf am I even watching!!? 😂
Last night we went with something a bit newer and watched Bliss. It was interesting, parts I really liked, still has me thinking today. Waiting to hear what the SO is gonna pick tonight!
Okay, he’s just texted me his choice and y’all I am not mad about it
My review of Willy's Wonderland is that it is EXCELLENT and campy and funny and creepy and it might be my new favorite Cage movie. 10/10 you should watch.
Okay so the SO picked Dead Alive and I’ve never seen it before and it’s so bad but also so hilarious.
Friends, tonight we’re watching Forrest Gump. It is a Very Good Movie Night.
Watched Barb and Star Visit Del Mar last night and it is exactly as wonderful and goofy as you’ve heard.
Tonight we watch Queen of Katwe.
Day After Tomorrow. The *best* end of the world movie there is.
I’m behind. We’ve watched two movies and I missed adding them to the thread.

Tuesday was Drag Me to Hell, which I still argue is one of the better gross-out horror flicks of the last 20 years.

Last night was Judas and the Black Messiah, I thought it was fantastic. Recommend!
Back on track. I was given choices and I’m not ashamed to admit I chose Summer School, which is obviously Mark Harmon’s best performance ever.
Last night: little Nicky which we both have seen 1000 times and fell asleep to for the 666th time

Tonight... kindergarten cop and no regrets
Missed a few:

Friday: and you knooooooooow this

I Care a Lot: I think I liked this? I’m still really mad about it? I still want to see Peter Dinklage fuck some shit up?

Tonight’s a classic. Can’t go wrong with The Breakfast Club, as long as you don’t scratch the surface.
The SO’s birthday called for something campy but creepy. Jennifer’s Body delivered!
Tonight I’m sneaking in The Baxter, because it’s fucking great.
There’s a movie called Sueño in the previews of our DVD, John Leguizamo as an indie band dude and honestly now I kinda wanna watch that?
Re the Baxter: the number of palm pilot shots and references in the first 20 minutes is reason enough alone to love it

This is my favorite mug and we inherited it with the house. It just showed up in one of my most endeared rom-coms that I apparently haven’t watched in the 10 years we’ve been in the house.

Wild!!! #TheBaxter
Omg I just found one on Etsy and bought it
Watching Jawbreaker and loving it just as much as I do every time I watch it, aka a lot
Hello to True Lies for a whiskey-infused st. Paddy’s day viewing
The SO just told me he has never seen this movie.

I am astounded.
Tonight I chose Tombstone and the SO was like “there’s no way she wants to watch that her dad probably made her watch it so many times” and I was like “yes I love it” and it turns out he regularly watches reaction videos of people watching it for the first time and... my heart.
I love this movie.
The scene with a Billy Bob Thornton. “Skin that smoke wagon and see what happens.”
I just called Jason Priestley “Brandon Priestley” same thing tho right?
Important context: my bio-dad was in a live re-enactment performance group for Arizona cowboy shit, circa the 80s, and Tombstone is like... gospel. The dusty overcoat as an archetype: staple of my childhood
The Rental was creepy, there was a moment I screamed out loud, and I woke up thinking about it. All signs of a good flick.
Slaxx was excellent. 10/10 recommend. The Sisterhood of the Killer Pants.
Not as creepy as I expected but His House was still plenty suspenseful and weird. Recommend!
Browsing for a movie to watch tonight and honestly, might just finish out Schitts for the 6th (? Maybe 5th? Unclear) time. Or might watch Face/Off. I can’t decide. Tell me what to do Twitter!
Indecision led to a “mystery nick cage” movie being added to the running and obviously now we’re all set to watch National Treasure
Not ashamed to admit that I just paid $3.99 to watch the second installment of National Treasure.
I just suggested League of Their Own and the SO countered with Legally Blonde and looks when your man wants to watch Legally Blonde, you watch Legally Blonde
What? #Heathers #HiVeronica Heathers
Pump Up the Volume is an unparalleled gem from 1990 that still holds up in 2021.

It’s just so damn good.

I don’t know who influenced me more - Nora (the eat me beat me lady) or Mark (happy Harry hard on), but this movie is the indelible ink of my teen years.
Godzilla vs. Kong is a fucking delight
Jon Lovitz plays such a dick in A League of Their Own. Also his character uses the phrase “pickle tickle”. Also is there any movie where Jon Lovitz doesn’t play a dick?
28 minutes into this movie and I’m teary
If you’re looking for something creepy and gross, look no further than We Are What We Are.
Watching Mrs Doubtfire tonight because sometimes you just need to watch Mrs Doubtfire I guess?
I mean what else are you going to watch as a palate cleanser after watching a cannibal horror flick?
Only a few minutes in to #EatBrainsLove and I’m super into it
Disappointed in myself for falling asleep watching Adventures in Babysitting last. Itchy
Last itchy? Last night. This is itchy tho.
After a root canal yesterday I didn’t make it through Short Circuit but I did wake up for my favorite part
It’s a blu-ray night. I picked 3 and made The So choose middle left or right. He chose. I am victorious and we are totally watching Romeo + Juliet LIKE WHOA
His first comment, at the gas station: this is ridiculous. The only reason I’m watching it is because I know parts were filmed in Alameda.

“Oh shit there are hella people in this movie. Is that Cocoon dude???” - the SO
“Omg fucking Paul Rudd is in this toooo???” - the SO
Is that the grandpa from house of 1000 corpses? Did she just say “thrash a glass of wine”????

This is the best part of this thread, hands down. I LOVE this movie and I cannot believe we’ve been together nearly 22 years and I’ve never asked him to watch it
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