Saw a tweet regarding LB364 tonight and decided to look it up and see what it’s all about...Full disclosure, I am a proud public school teacher & coach and I am also a parent of 2 private school students. We pay our property taxes and tuition for our children’s education. 1/...
To be honest I was hoping to read that with the passing of LB364 my family might qualify for a property tax or income tax credit for the amount of tuition we pay for their schooling. Unfortunately, unless I missed it, LB364 would not do that (I understand if it did, that 2/...
would take money away from the public school district that I live in). While I don’t want to hurt public schools, I know my wife & I are forced to work extra to provide a faith based education to our children & it would be nice to not have all that burden. Anyways back to 3/...
LB 364 and what I did find. If I’m not mistaken, the bill allows for the formation of Scholarship entities that could be funded by private donors and that would provide low income (free/reduced lunch) students scholarships so that they could choose a private education they 4/...
could otherwise not afford. Which I think is great. I teach in a public school & strive to provide opportunities & a quality education kids deserve. But if they value a faith based education, I think it would be great if they could access one of their choice.

Now in return 5...
these donors, people, businesses, groups, etc, for their donations to the Scholarship entities,(as I read it) would receive State income tax credits/ benefits. Some would say, this is taking public money to fund private schools, but is it? I don’t think the tax benefits are 6...
are being paid for out of public school funding (property taxes). I could be wrong. Now some might say just the loss of student enrollment will effect School Districts state aid levels for their schools, which is in fact correct, as I understand 7...
it, but I’m not certain. Now let me compare that to districts losing students to other districts for athletic/academic reasons with option enrollment. Don’t the districts who are losing students also lose state aid “for that student” & the district getting that student gain 8...
that state aid? Districts all over the metro actively recruit and attract other districts students for sports/activities/academics and defend families right to choose the best situation for their children. So I guess I don’t see how LB 364 is any different. Especially, when 9...
these scholarship entities would be funded by private donors & are serving under privileged youth in our community & giving them a chance to choose what’s best for them and their families. Just thinking out loud really. I Love Public Schools & I Love Catholic Schools, too. 10...
If any of my perspective is misinformed, please let me know. Im all about being educated and informed about how these things work. And, again, full disclosure...I’m a little sad we won’t be seeing a tuition voucher. 🤷🏻‍♂️😉 #ILoveAllSchools #DeepThoughtsLB364
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