Favorite Bits of this Dystopia

I love when general statements denouncing hateful racism cause a hateful racist to out and then victimize themself.
I love when a winning political team somehow allows themselves to Lose. Majority. Control. Failing in slow motion.
I love when atrocities are brushed aside, especially the domestic ones.
I love when hypocrisy is noted, published, and promptly ignored without consequence.
I love when a clear cut issue gets twisted and spun until the opposite of public consensus is seriously considered and advocated.
I love when the population straight up ignores creeping authoritarianism, bitches about invasive technology, and then buys the smart speaker anyway.
I love when mental health is used as a cultural buzz word, along with words like mindfulness and holistic health, but real care options are too expensive to utilize in any effective capacity.
I love when people are terrified to lose their jobs so they endure trauma and abuse for insultingly little compensation.
I love when right-wing politicians literally whip up a riot and their cohorts bully the left-wing and dissuade any consequence.
I love when awful people are very clear about their thoughts, feelings, and intentions, and when they do awful things we sit around and say, "How could we have known?"
I love when anyone tries to point out the myriad ways we are all so terribly fucked and people pile on to say, "Why are you so negative??"
I love when international corporations are given the bulk of subsidized monetary funds from our governments.
I love when words lose all meaning and we can't even agree about what is good/better or bad/worse.
I love when our representatives can't resolve their differences to save literally hundreds of thousands of people from death and so much worse.
I love when I turn on the news and ask myself, "How much work and imagination does it take to be this awful?"
I love when conservation advocates are painted as radicals so our government of the lobbyist by the lobbyist for the lobbyist shall not perish from the earth.
I love when several thousand years of data can be twisted to present an impossible outcome, and then if you're clever you can build a cult around that.
I love when our social species is divided from one another. By our media, by technology, and the obvious one of our moment - a pandemic.
I love when the media and government call people "heroes" and that is exactly enough compensation for their sacrifice. Teachers, farmers, medical responders, veterans.
I love when people fervently and dramatically insist that we must continue our trivial cultural milestones. Would we really miss the Super Bowl? The Oscars?

No bread, just a circus.
I love when "play by the rules" simply means "bribe the right people".
I love when there are so many weapons in the hands of civilians that when an arrest of a high-value suspect goes sideways it's like a war just broke out two floors down in your apartment complex.
I love when there are solutions to the problems plaguing our society, but the old white guys in power are like, "Shareholders said 'Nah'."
I love when the country that prides itself on being "exceptional" surpasses very metric of failure and then doubles down every single day after that.
I love when fossil fuel companies - arguably the biggest benefactors of government subsidies - spend millions of dollars to spin the conversation and blame for their greed, deregulation, and general graft onto environmentally friendly energy policy.
I love when politics is literally just theatre. Pure performance. And the true political deals are made in secret, benefiting who they've always benefited.
I love when uneducated "internet experts" that can barely render a thought in standard English get their knickers in a twist about a "dumb" immigrant that already speaks at least two languages.
I love when both dominant political parties offer essentially the same monstrous policies, the only difference being that one of them pretends they're Andy Griffith while they fuck us and the other wears their evil like a badge of honor.
I love when militarism is so deeply ingrained in our national culture it's very important that the tone of the press conference that accompanies the bombing of brown people doesn't spoil the mood.
I love when we fall for their lies.

Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over.....
I love when honest to god nazism is resurgent and concerned citizens ask, "Isn't someone going to DO something?!" and the very smart media people say, "What CAN we do but amplify this signal, even if it kills us all?"
I love when the two-party system boils down to "Evil Bastards" and "Oops! Who Let The Evil Bastards Win?"
I love when absolute vampires pat themselves on the back for not devouring ALL the weak and vulnerable.
I love when an actively evil agenda can operate with impunity but the most basic good is stymied and hobbled before it can even take off.
I love when it's politically expedient to "care" about human suffering. I especially love when it is a performance used to attack political opponents and not to... y'know... help those suffering humans.
I love when we need a reckoning of the soul, the stakes increasing each and every hour of every day, the burden weighing on us all like so many rotten limbs in need of amputation.
I love when science and tech create epic advancements that make our society more difficult to tolerate.
I love when egregious acts of state violence are captured live, calmly perpetrated, on-camera, for all the world to see, and then we hear the defense "Big black man scary! Why crowds so mean?"
I love when decades of research categorically PROVE that racism exists, it is systemic, and has deep deep roots. And when yet another overt act of racism is instigated, the establishment leaps to defend the aggressors and asks for calm from those affected by the violence.
I love when we descend into a hellish scenario where there's a mass shooting every day, and people just throw their hands up and say, "That's the price you pay to live in the greatest country on earth."
I love when the worst public health crisis in a generation isn't enough to motivate people to protect themselves and their community in any way that would actually help.
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