Never have I ever hooked up with an ex.

Never have I lied to my parents about where I was going / where I was.

Never have I ever stolen money from my parent's wallet.

Never have I ever danced in front of a crowd.

Never have I ever gotten suspended.

Never have I ever procrastinated schoolwork to the point where I had to cram it the day before it was due.

Never have I ever lied about the reason for a breakup.

Never have I ever cried in the shower.

Never have I ever tapped someone in the mall or in another public place thinking it was someone I knew but it wasn't.

Never have I ever fallen in love with someone way older than me.

Never have I ever fallen in love with someone way younger than me.

Never have I ever skipped / advanced an entire grade level.

Never have I ever kept myself closeted because I was afraid that other people wouldn't accept me.

(I do hope that you're feeling okay, and that people are treating you nicely though.)

Never have I ever studied a bunch of stuff that didn't even end up on the exam.

Never have I ever done something in academics that I didn't even want to do but had to because that's what my parents wanted.

Never have I ever done something stupid because I was bored.

Never have I ever fallen out of love with someone.

Never have I ever broken a bone.

Never have I ever liked one of my friends' exes.

Never have I ever gotten jealous over something stupid.

Never have I ever purposely made someone jealous.

Never have I ever cut ties with a friend / friends because of something that was obviously my fault.

Never have I ever backstabbed someone.

Never have I ever gotten backstabbed.

Never have I ever liked someone of the same gender.

Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender.

Never have I ever made someone my rebound.

Never have I ever been someone's rebound.

Never have I ever been left in a relationship because they wanted to go back to their ex.

Never have I ever ghosted someone.

Never have I ever been ghosted.

Never have I ever played with someone's feelings.

Never have I ever took advantage of someone and used them to benefit myself.

Never have I ever traveled alone.

Never have I ever danced my ass off thinking there was no one around, but ended up humiliating myself because there was.

Never have I ever been sorted into the wrong Hogwarts house on the website (this is for the Potterheads).

Never have I ever attended a sleepover.

Never have I ever lied to my friends to avoid hurting their feelings.

Never have I ever made out with someone.

(Can I ask, when was the last time? Hahaha.)

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