thread of questions to do when youre bored :)

-preferably qrt your answers please!
1. tell me the best compliment youve ever gotten.
2. How old do people usually think you are/say you look?
3. anime or manga? why?
4. what's a song you can listen to on repeat for hours?
5. tell me a song that makes you think of someone you care about
6. best memory so far this year?
7. are you the type to have more than one best friend or just one.
8. what're your opinions on groupchats?
9. this or that?
10. favourite brand?
11. what's your go-to game at sleepovers/hangouts? (never have i ever, t or d, board games, things like that)
12. what's your opinion on polaroids?
13. favourite artist?
14. what are your top 3 comfort characters?
15. favourite subject in school vs your best subject (the one with the highest grade)
16. choose 3 words to describe yourself
17. How easy are you to piss off?
18. houses or apartments?
19. this or that (again)
20. what made you get twitter?
21. per post about how many interactions do you get on average?
22. do you post to please others or to please yourself?
23. show me your most recent anime related picture.
24. whens the last time you cried over something good?
25. whens the last time you cried over something bad? (if you want to go on about it you can,)
26. this or that? (another one lol)
27. favourite gift you've ever gotten?
28. favourite way to pass the time?
29. LEAST favourite color?
30. What's an aesthetic you'd be least likely to try?
31. whats an aesthetic you'd be most likely to try?
32. worst game you've ever played?
33. do you have a comfort animal? (ex. fox, dolphin, ykyk)
34. show me your longest playlist, how long is it?
35. Tell me a movie that kept you awake at night.
36. do you know how it feels to be in love?
37. how would you define love?
38. Strangest advice you've gotten that's worked?
39. what genre on music are you into?
40. dream job(s)?
41. What's your dream date setting like?
42. Would you call yourself a hopeless romantic?
43. Last time you had a crush?
44. @ a mutual you'd like to hug (or dont thats cool too)
45. what's your go to compliment to give?
46. Do you have a catchphrase, something you say way too often?
47. this or that
48. what does your notebook look like?
49. //food

whats a sweet that you like to have from time to time?
50. how do you feel about school?
51. have you ever liked one of your followers?
52. Give me your favourite quote (anime or not idm)
53. what subject do you hate the most and why?
54. last time you've taken a selfie?
55. tell me something about you that most people dont ask about.
56. do you like your parents?
57. what's your first language?
58. do you play sports? if so which?
59. can you say the alphabet backwards 😐
60. whats the first number that you think of every time?
61. on a scale of 1-10 how chaotic do you think you are?
62. whats a mistake that youve made that makes you laugh?
63. how often do you procrastinate?
64. how many people are on your blocked list?
65. how many people do you have muted?
66. do you get irritated easily?
67. whats a character everyone seems to love but you personally dislike?
68. tell me an anime you dropped very quickly, and why?
69. do you go out of your way to ignore people?
70. if a friend talks badly about one of your other friends do you keep quiet or tell them?
71. this or that?
72. opinion on road trips?
73. what's something you'd do with your friendgroup? (go to an arcade, road trip, go to a concert, etc)
74. on a scale of 1-10 how hard are you on yourself?
75. what's something you could go back and change?
76. tell me about a friend you wish you were still friends with, (if you have one)
77. whats your comfort show?
78. have you ever broven a physical object? Tell me about it?
79. What's the weirdest dream you've ever had?
80. best dream you ever had?
81. How different are you now compared to yourself two years ago?
82. what's your definition of success?
83. Do you cook?
84. Whats your biggest regret?
85. what does the color blue make you think of?
86. what does the color red make you think of?
87. what does the color yellow make you think of?
88. whats the meaning behind your @?
89. what's your type? (if you have one)
90. biggest pet peeve?
91. what's your favourite rarepair ship (any anime?)
92. funnest thing you've witnessed.
93. when was the last time you felt truly happy?
94. what anime ship/friendship would wear this?
95. do you miss anyone right now?
96. name a song that was ruined for you :/
97. how would you describe your account in 3 words?
98. what ship/friendship would wear this?
99. favourite nickname/petname someone has called you?
100. tell me something that you think makes a person interesting.
101. how easily do you open up about your personal life/problems?
102. what's your "role" in the friend group?
|| remember if you need to take breaks please do! mwahh! ||
103. last time you dressed up? (like to go out/something fancy)
104. Tell me a fic that has made you cry.
105. do you have a comfort fic/book?
106. have you ever read story threads on twitter?
107. what's the most romantic thing you've done for someone?
108. this or that, what would you and your bff/ s/o wear?
109. Do time zones confuse you?
110. whats your otp ship?
111. another this or that, what would you and your bff wear?
112. do you jokingly flirt with your (close) mutuals?
113. worst movie you've ever seen?
114. how stressed are you from 1-10?
115. if you could travel with your bff for free, where would you take them?
116. scariest moment of you life? (you dont have to answer)
117. what influencer pisses you off the most?
118. what's something that twitter taught you?
119. tell me something you wish you could do.
120. if you could have powers what would they be?
121. best people you've met on stan/anitwt?
122. this or that
123. have you ever thought of your crush with your last name? (idk how to phrase this im sorry yall 😭, but im curious)
124. what trend do you wish you hopped onto?
125. what trend did you HATE?
126. thoughts on atsushi fakes on leak nights? (lol, this is kinda just for bnhatwt)
127. have you ever rped as atsushi on leak nights? (lol)
128. from a scale of 1-10 how forgiving are you?
129. what's an uncommon scent/smell that you like particuarly? (gasoline, smoke, etc)
130. Are you scared easily?
131. this or that?
132. have you ever had a banger tweet? if so, which one?
133. this or that? (date edition)
134. //food

worst food you've ever had?
135. day time or night time? why?
136. what's the strangest thing you've seen on the tl?
137. what's the weirdest thing one of your mutuals has said?
138. Do you know how many accounts have you blocked?
139. have you ever made a playlist for someone? how long was it?
140. give me a quote from a song you relate to.
141. Name a character you'd fight without a doubt.
142. whats the weirdest tag you've seen trending on twitter?
143. how many accounts do you have on twitter?
144. how many times have you changed your @?
145. do you like being alone for long periods of time? why or why not?
146. whats a character that has the same zodiac as you?
147. how's your sleep schedule 🤨
148. do you use emojis and gifs unironically or ironically?
149. do you pick up on peoples typing habits?
150. what's the meanest thing you've done that you DONT regret?
-im taking a break because i have to work, i'll do more questions later on-
151. do you have a favourite edit/fc? if you do qrt with it i wanna see em :)
152. sad song that doesnt actually make you sad?
153. favourite teacher you've had?
154. what's something you used to like but hate now?
155. what's someking you used to hate but you like now?
156. tell me something that confuses you.
157. underrated artist that you like?
158. have you ever had braces? if yes tell me a story about when you had them?
159. favourite memory with friends?
160. one mutual on stan/anitwt that has always managed to make you smile?
161. do you think its annoying when the same person interacts with you all the time?
162. give me an unpopular opinion you have.
163. whats something you hate about tiktok?
164. whats something you hate about instagram?
165. whats something you hate about any other social media?
- taking another break im sorry :< i'll be back -
166. what celebrity do you have a weird attraction to but you wouldnt consider them hot. you just like them for no particular reason.
167. are you the jealous type?
168. are you protective of your friends?
169. have you watched mission impossibe? (classic :> heh)
170. whats a song from the early 2000's-2010's that you really like?
171. what trendy item have you always wanted to get but never could?
172. tell me the first time you got your heart broken (romantically or platonically)
173. What's something everyone seems to have/like but you never understood the hype around it?
174. what noises scare you? (thunder, silence, fireworks, sirens, etc)
175. what mythical creature do you wish was real?
176. what's something that has given you goosebumps.
177. have you ever drifted from someone so much you became strangers or do you like keeping you friends close and not let go?
178. what's something you would tell your past self?
179. do you believe in the saying "if you love them, let them go" ?
180. how persistant are you from 1-10?
181. name one thing people tease you about the most?
182. funniest interaction with your mutuals?
183. do you know how long was the longest thread conversation you've ever had?
184. have you ever gotten like/follow/ or dm limited?
185. have you ever gotten your account(s) suspended/restricted? why?
186. tell me one of your bad habits.
187. whats something you do if youre nervous?
188. do you have a comfort person (an irl or an online friend)
189. what character are you most emotionally attached to? (if they were to be k!lled off you'd drop the whole show- that kind of attached)
190. do you play any instruments?
191. what wlw ship/friendship?
192. have you ever cried singing a song?
193. quick name a celebrity.
194. whats your favourite anime friendgroup?
195. something embarrassing thats happened to you or someone at school?
196. what were you known for in freshman year? (or middle school, pick either)
197. say one thing you wish you could change about yourself.

(although yes, everyone is amazing the way they are. Sometimes it doesnt hurt to wanna fix something about yourself its okay.)
198. pick one of these date scenarios.
199. something you really hate?
200. what's something you really love?
201. how tall are you 🤨🤏 (a lot of my moots are TINY)
202. how tall would you want to be?
203. do you know the biggest account that has you blocked? (one with the most following)
204. have you ever gotten into tl drama/fights?
205. what's your opinion on online dating?
206. whats your opinion on clingy people?
207. what trait do you think is most annoying in people?
208. do you get emotional easily?
209. if youre on anitwt, did you participate in the brand rp friday we did? if yes, what did you rp as?
210. dream travel spot?
211. what's something you do when you really like someone? (do quick replies, make time for them, etc)
212. When's the last time you went out? to where?
213. describe your dream life?
214. do you believe in right person wrong time?
215. thoughts on soulmates?
216. give me a quote one of your mutuals has said that you remember.
217. now give me a quote YOU have said.
218. weirdest/uncommon hobby?
219. biggest turn off?
220. favourite gift you've given someone?
221. what's your mbti? do you know anyone else with the same personality (irl/online)?
222. worst teacher you've ever had?
223. character everyone seems to hate but you personally like?
224. jackets or hoodies?
225. //food-drinks

favourite drink?
226. dumbest arguement you've ever gotten into on twitter?
227. have you ever been cancelled/almost cancelled?
228. what character do you relate to the most?
229. top 3 most uncommon kins??
230. top 3 most common kins?
You can follow @CHAEYATWT.
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