As someone who never finished STAR TREK VOYAGER, I’ve been rewatching the first season and this show is...incredible.

It’s less action-centric in some ways that DS9, but it truly feels like a space exploration show.

I know, I know, this isn’t a unique take.
Almost done the second season and I never need another holodeck episode ever, but HOLY SHIT is “Tuvix” a powerful episode that doesn’t pull any punches.

You called it, @DafnaDOOM.
I cheered out loud at all these VOYAGER cameos, especially Sulu - I had NO idea!

BASICS was also one helluva season finale - felt like the closest to Best of Both Worlds I’ve seen in Trek since that iconic moment.
To bring back the Ferengi from TNG’s “The Price” might be my favorite example of how much VOYAGER loves Star Trek and isn’t ashamed to be it.

I’m sure the series changes down the road but I’m enjoying the ride for now.
Voyager sure has its misses for me in Season 3 (like the Pon Farr episode) but when it hits it’s just a wonderful celebration of everything Star Trek.

The Borg episode “Unity” is so, so smart.
“Distant Origin” is an all-time Trek episode for me - and that ending, optimistic yet also a bit heartbreaking, is exactly the way I like this franchise.

I had no idea what I was getting into and I was enthralled for every moment.
I thought I never wanted another holodeck episode BUT “Worst Case Scenario” has not only a real fascinating use of the technology, but Tuvok being - yet again - a wonderfully unrepentant asshole.

Great stuff.
Something essential changes in the show with S4’s not for me.

But Janeway remains a badass.
However, surprisingly, it’s Tuvok I love most.

I love that he’s an unrepentant jerk but that he’s also a very honest look at Vulcan culture without any sugar coating.

He always has a reason for what he does...but sometimes he’s overcome by primal rage.

Fascinating, indeed.
I didn’t love “Year of Hell” as much as others, but it did kick off a series of eps I’ve enjoyed.

“Message in a Bottle” was joyful and reminded me why the Doctor is so great (and how his previous memory wipe seems irrelevant?)

And love the ending. Real narrative progress.
One fun thing about these 90s sci-fi series is seeing how they envisioned future tech.

Like, look at the ratio of screen to...everything else on the PADD.
Season 4 has really turned around for me, even if I don’t know I needed that holodeck two parter.

But “Living Witness”?


I’m a bit burnt out on the mirror universe and this feels like a fresh way to deliver a terrifying look at our heroes.
Voyager Season 5 got off to a slow start for me but TIMELESS is incredible.

When this show goes hard, it goes HARD.
And I’m kinda shocked how much Seven has added to the Voyager cast.

She is at the center of some truly FUN moments. All the respect to Jeri Ryan for imbuing so much heart and humanity into her performance.
And yes, I lost it when we got THIS cameo. I had no clue it was coming.

Voyager is delivering the best Trek fan service.
“Oblivion” is also fantastic. I had no clue what it was really about and I’m so glad I went in cold.

When this show hits, it REALLY hits.

(That Borg two-parter left me cold though)
And then I wasn’t expecting...this.

It felt very Babylon 5 to me (and I love that show) and like Costanza was gonna pop out any moment.
11:59 was a perfect example of what VOYAGER does so well - intimate stories that force us to reconsider how we view ourselves.

Really great stuff.
“Blink of an Eye” isn’t just one of the best Star Trek episodes ever, it’s peak genre storytelling.


And @danieldaekim steals every single one of his scenes (much as he did in the B5 spin-off Crusade).
Gotta admit, @TheRock needs to come back to Star Trek at some point. He was a blast in his small role.
Really impressed by “Good Shepherd”, which feels like the spiritual successor to the “Lower Decks” episode of TNG.

I did wonder “what happens if you’re on Voyager and not great at your job?” and we get the answer.
B’Elanna really gets fascinating spotlights in VOYAGER S7 that speak to the strength of the show - it tackles identity, culture and racism without the easy answers we usually find in media.

Some of it hasn’t aged well, but I admire the spirit and execution nonetheless.
Unless this show completely fumbles the ending, I’ll say this:

VOYAGER is my favorite STAR TREK series, beating out DS9 and becoming my go-to example for why this franchise is so incredibly special.
NIGHTINGALE is a very fascinating look at the model minority myth, something that’s been explored in a fascinating way with Harry throughout the series.
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