Today’s #GOPCThread is focused on the recently released statewide transportation plan for @ODOT_Statewide, known as Access Ohio 2045 ( #AO45). The plan provides a roadmap for transportation planning for the next 25 years across #Ohio.
Development of the #AO45 plan is a multi-year effort, which involved a 50+ member steering committee (which included GOPC), multiple public meetings which included 600 Ohioans, 3 statewide surveys (w/ 3,000 responses) and web feedback #GOPCThread
Ohio’s transportation system is a major public asset that plays a role in quality of life factors across the state. The vision statement for #AccessOhio2045 lays out the objectives of the planning and development efforts at @ODOT_Statewide for the next 25 years. #GOPCThread
Goals and strategies were developed to support the five themes from the vision statement. #AO45 is a plan that is designed around collaboration and partnership, ensuring Ohio’s transportation system functions as an integrated system across all modes #GOPCThread
#AO45 focuses on seven long-range goals for Ohio’s transportation system. These goals build on the goals identified in the previous statewide transportation plan and refined through feedback from many sources to guide transportation planning for the next 25 years #GOPCThread
#AO45 outlines further objectives from each of the goals. These 15 objectives, which include quality of life & environmental stewardship, recognize the importance of supporting vibrant communities across the state… #GOPCThread
& sharpen the state’s focus on reliability & accessibility of travel for all transportation users. #GOPCThread
#AO45 envisions a comprehensive, multimodal transportation system that has been developed using a scenario planning approach that considers a number of alternative futures for Ohio over the next quarter century #GOPCThread
Each of the alternative futures considered four factors that will influence future transportation needs; population changes, the economy, development, and innovations in technology #GOPCThread
Scenario 1 – Current Trends: A future where Ohio experiences modest growth & incremental change as it has in the past. Most Ohioans, visitors, & businesses still rely on vehicles & roads to travel & ship products, with more need for on-demand & short distance trips #GOPCThread
Scenario 2 – Innovation: A future where technology changes are widespread, with more transportation options for Ohio residents, visitors, & businesses. High-speed communication & a more connected network allow people & goods to move efficiently & seamlessly 24/7 #GOPCThread
Scenario 3 – Global Markets: A future where stronger global commerce results in more goods moving by truck, rail, water & air via Ohio, other states or nations. A wide-range of diverse, specialized products & services are available to more Ohioans #GOPCThread
Scenario 4 – Ohio Renaissance: A future where Ohio’s population & economic growth are higher than previous trends, reflecting increasing attractiveness of Ohio as a place to live, work & do business. These changes increase demand for transportation options & services #GOPCThread
Advancing the vision & goals requires strategic action by @ODOT_Statewide & its partners. A particular emphasis of #AO45 is identifying implementable strategies that advance Ohio’s vision across the full range of the potential futures that the state is facing #GOPCThread
There are a number of initiatives in the #AO45 plan that GOPC plans to champion as part of our advocacy work. Many of these initiatives were encouraged by GOPC as part of our work on the steering committee #GOPCThread
Initiative 1 - Asset Management: Maintain transportation assets in a “state of good repair”. ODOT states that it currently allocates 93% of its annual budget to “taking care of what it already has…” #GOPCThread
During the 2019 state transportation budget deliberations, @ODOT_Statewide Director Marchbanks committed to continuing to focus on preservation, not expansion, something that will be even more important in the short term in response to the COVID-19 pandemic #GOPCThead
Initiative 2 - Broadband: Make highway right-of-way assets available to help close broadband and cellular infrastructure gaps. Permitting access to public rights-of-way to expand technology will have long-term benefits for the whole state. #GOPCThread
In yet another example of a problem that has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, there are major areas of the state where broadband access to lacking or practically non-existent. This is a problem in both rural & some urban areas in the state. #GOPCThread
Initiative 3 - Corridor Plans: Develop multimodal corridor plans that engage a comprehensive set of stakeholders and consider transportation land use, economic and technology assets. #GOPCThread
GOPC has recently written about the opportunities present through corridor concepts planning at the local level, and investment in these types of development strategies regionally and statewide can have the same benefits. #GOPCThread
Initiative 4 - Economic Development: Identify and promote locations for economic development with good transportation access and compatible land uses. #GOPCThread
Focusing on areas with established transportation access makes sense both in terms of cost (not expanding already built-out systems) but ensuring workers have ready access to jobs and the state is able to compete economically into the future. #GOPCThread
Initiative 5 - Increase Access to Public Transit: Among the strategies outlined as part of the report is increasing opportunities for local investments in transit through ODOT funding programs and research into dedicated statewide transit funding #GOPCThread
Coordinate services with @OHNeedsTransit and local operators to support coordinated plans and streamlined operations, and to advance Mobility as a Service (MaaS), including first- and last-mile connections #GOPCThread
#AO45 makes a strong commitment towards active transportation, including strengthening statewide, regional, local and corridor pedestrian and bicycle planning, and educating the public at large on walking and biking issues. #GOPCThread
In addition to identifying goals & objectives, #AO45 quantifies what the cost of achieving these goals are, based on the various alternative futures. Between 2018 & 2045, AO45 estimates that @ODOT_Statewide will need to spend between $2.6-$2.8 Billion annually… #GOPCThread
To address statewide transportation needs, while partners, including counties, municipalities, townships, & other state agencies, as well as public and private operators, will need to invest $3.7-$4.1 billion annually over the same time period. #GOPCThread
You can review the full #AO45 plan online (including downloading a pdf copy) as well as learning more about how the plan will be implemented and progress measured online. #GOPCThread
Thank you @ODOT_Statewide for inviting GOPC to participate in this important planning process. We look forward to partnering to help implement the goals, strategies and initiatives of the #AO45 plan #GOPCThread