Why do men love more deeply than women? Thread

Men understand that loves takes time. They don’t base their love on the eat a woman makes them feel. Men do not allow romance to dictate their decision making on a spouse. Men understand what love truly is. Romance isn’t live.
Date nights, vacations, and trips aren’t expressions of love. They are perks of companionship. Women take the perks and think that they’re in love because they are basing their off pseudo actions. To build a foundation of love, you have to first get past the companionship stage.
Love should never be based on the perks of the relationship. Once the perks stop, women think the “love” stops. Women are expressive and emotional( this shouldn’t be confused for all women being good communicators). Anything that sways a woman’s emotions wins their heart.
Even, if what’s sways their heart is nonexistent. They make it exist mentally. Some woman live in the delusion of what they perceive love is and feels like. They want to create love unlike men, who don’t create love. Men let love be. Love is love. Love isn’t a project nor science
Love isn’t a new revelation. Love is an unseen force that binds a woman to man based on character. Women want to fall in love while men want to be with love.
“He was with with her for 5 years and. Married her after the fifth year.”

Because he started to truly live her and all she carried with her. Sometimes men and women can be with someone for years, decades and still be unsure of the person they lay next to. Everyday is a test.
It is solely the choice of the women to stick around for 5 years. Women have plenty of options at their disposal but they choose to remain.
As men, we are patient creatures. If a man feels that a women he loves is in a in relationship with another men, he will wait. He will always find ways to stick around and stay close. He won’t feel threatened by the men because his love runs deeper. If he’s right, she’ll be back
Most people,both women and men, lack understanding of love truly is because they base it off feelings. Feelings change daily. When men truly love, their love is pure. A man’s true love can be equated to the same love a woman bears for her offspring.
Women tend to think their romancing and “sacrifice” of time with a man is love, it’s not. Women are more prone to to walk away from what their perceive is love. They’re also more prone to have love, and look out for their own emotions.
Women believe their time is more valuable than love. But if she truly loved the man, she wouldn’t equate it to time. She would not measure her love. All she’s really saying is “I wanted other men and you wasted my youth.
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