tw // eating disorder , recovery
// food mention

a thread on why you shouldn’t put a trigger warning on food, by someone who struggles day-to-day with recovery
trigger warnings are used to warn people about potential triggers mentioned in their tweets and messages. examples of this include: eating disorders , violence , abuse , etc.
whereas content warnings are used to warn people about the contents of their tweets, such as: -
certain ships (like dnf ), nudity , etc. usually, it’s things that could make people uncomfortable, but spark less of an intense reaction (and of course, this can vary on your followers and specific content)
however, something that doesn’t vary on your followers is whether or not you should tag a mention of food , eating, etc.
as you could see in the screenshots above, i explain why i personally find comfort in a *content warning* on food, and i explain why tagging it as-
a trigger is wrong. in my recovery, i’ve found that the mention of certain food sets me off and having a little warning that food will be mentioned helps me know what to expect. tagging a food mention is good!! it’s exactly what you should do!! HOWEVER-
when you tag a simple mention of food as a trigger, it automatically connects my thoughts to looking at food in a negative way and often times has quickly turned around my relationship with food and eating for that day. so please please, don’t use a trigger warning-
when you’re talking about food. if you’re talking about it in a negative way (like not wanting to eat , or feeling sick over something) tag it with a “ sick “ trigger, or an “ eating disorder “ trigger
here’s a thread on how to write proper trigger and content warnings, and a more in depth explanation of what and when you should tag with a cw or tw
i didn’t think after so long i’d have to add something to this thread but just to clarify, candy is fucking food . caloric drinks can also have an effect so tag that as well (for me at least?? if you want me to fb)- “// drink “ ,, yknow?? it’s not hard. thank you.
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