Incredible Article from 1939:

Total ice surface decreased by 20% since 1900.

Frozen Arctic subsoil receded Northward by 40 miles since 1839.

"last two decades, the fringe of the Polar ice-pack has been creeping northward"

Siberia Freezes later and thaws earlier.

Warmth-loving fish species migrating North.

Arctic vessels traveling further North than ever recorded.

General warming of the Earth loosening Arctic ice caps.

"Warmer Winters and hotter summers for the North and south Poles"
In December 1938 only 560 miles from the North Pole temperatures were above freezing.

Arctic Sea currents moving 2-3 times more rapidly than recorded several decades previously.

March/Dec. 1938 warmest ever recorded in England.

Rise in air temp in the Southern hemisphere.
"Our generation is living in a period when remarkable changes are taking place almost everywhere throughout
the world," writes Professor L. Berg, of the Soviet Academy of Sciences. - 1939
Arctic Warming Up - 1922

"Hardly any ice within nine degrees of the North Pole"

"Well known Glaciers entirely disappeared"

"Seals and fish shifting farther north"

"Abnormal heat in the Arctic region"

"Great masses of ice and snow" is now "earth and stones"
Arctic "Heat Wave" - 1923

Seals were finding the water to be "too hot"

"Unheard of temperatures in the Arctic zone"

"Great masses of ice have been replaced by moraines of earth and stones"

"to a depth of 3100 metres showed the gulf stream still very warm"

"scarcely any ice"
"Far north is Warming Up" - 1933
The Arctic ocean had warmed "enormously" in recent years and they believed the Artic was Ice Free between 600AD-1100AD during the Medieval Warm Period that Mann later tried to delete from history.
"Many Changes in Arctic" - Weather Bureau 1923

"Radical change in climatic conditions"

"Unheard of high temperatures"

"Never before has so little ice been noted"

"old landmarks are so changed as to be unrecognizable"
"Tail-End of an Ice Age" - 1924

"Rise of 22 deg. in the average temperature of Spitzbergen"

"Ice at the Poles is certainly decreasing"

"Australia is subject to exceedingly sudden changes of weather"
"What is the World Coming to?" - 1939

"Arctic Regions around Spitzbergen are warming up at the rate of approx. once degree in every two years"

Since 1910, Arctic winter temperatures had risen by nearly 16 degrees.

"Polar icefields are receding"

Siberia warming
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