If your man has a good heart and works hard for you, HE, not some actor, sports player, singer, tv host, online celebrity or anything else should be your KING.

If you are already doing this, you r leading a blessed, fulfilled life as the feminine.

If this isn't the case, you...
....you are missing out on just how fulfilling your love life can be.

Reject any foolish celebrity fangirling, humble your heart, kneel, pray, and you will see your man with reverence. Then he becomes your KING & you will feel a deep, calm joy from within. No one else compares..
....in our earthly existence.

Others then become just others, some of whom provide some entertainment, or the good ones who teach some nice values abt humility, love, emotion, unselfishness, faith etc. maybe; they are nothing more than that.
THIS is a key in making sure your man doesn't distance himself from you in this age of media hyper-connectedness. Understand his heart

He WILL love you, if you show him you r worthy

And when he will, (not in a simp-y, fanboyish way), it will feel deeply fulfilling.
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