This is not tea but something to ponder about Neelofa FROM THE START. A thread:
NPD - narcissistic personality disorder
The dots are really connecting each other and it's quite clear how people are being manipulated since Anzalna issue and so forth although there's no visible damage. I mean🤷🏼
Aku pun malas nak summarize. Siapa2 yang dah habis baca tu lukis la apa ke
Gambar dari postingan asal.
Public Health Malaysia pun terjebak sama harini 😆
I used to be Neelofa stan. Actually still like her lol cause she pretty lol. I followed her issue from Anzalna right after she joined Dewi Remaja to Pu Riz. Somehow there's the same pattern to most issues. So quite fishy tbh
Boikot Chatime, Boikot Fipper. Ha apa lagi produk. Jangan jadi enabler golongan ni. Kita support usahawan kecil
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