
The fact people are trying to excuse nyabeat’s actions by saying she’s a kid (allegedly) is iffy,,,,like that’s not why people are upset,yes she apologized but she used her being groomed as an excuse for being a nazi apologist and running a pro Ana/self harm account🤡
That and she came back to social media pretending she wasn’t nyabeat and tried to hide her face in all her photos but it’s clear it’s her (and I think she saw that people knew it was her) and she started posting her face on her new account
Yes she’s a kid and I hope she can grow from her shitty mistakes but as someone who was groomed myself,being groomed doesn’t give you an excuse for condoning shitty behavior and encouraging the harm of others
Also like to add I’m not blasting her with hate I’m just saying just bc you were involved in something traumatic they doesn’t mean you have an excuse to be a shit person
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