Hey as an actual Asian mlm, this thread is full of misinformation and blatant lies. Please do extensive research before writing something like that.
So here's a more accurate informational thread instead. https://twitter.com/himborooni/status/1337108841826189312
Yaoi was created by a gay Japanese man in the early 1900s. Most creators now are LGBTQ+ as well. Fujin are people who enjoy mlm fiction - so yes, by definition, if you ship ANY mlm ship, you're fujin.
Before making a thread like that, please take the time to study the LGBT history of Japan and Japanese creators as well as Japanese words and their history.
The word "fujoshi" was created by cishet men (but has since been reclaimed) to oppress women who enjoyed mlm fiction. These men claimed that if a woman was into something like that, it made her unfit to be a submissive wife, that it made her rotten.
The original word was rooted in queerphobia and misogyny, and Japanese women have since reclaimed it and use it for themselves, and using it in a negative way and claiming "well this is what it means IN AMERICA" is not only misogynistic, it is cultural appropriation.
Not to mention that many fujoshi are either trans women or closeted trans men. Japan is still a very conservative country and the fight for women's and LGBT rights is still going on there, and by misusing words and spreading misinformation, you're harming them.
At the end of the day, it really just boils down to how you treat real people; as long as your treat real mlm with respect, it really doesn't matter what you enjoy in the comfort of your own home.
We can absolutely all agree that the creepy, privacy-invading fujoshis are gross and cringe, but that's just because of the kind of individual people they are - creepy, gross and cringe - and has nothing to do with them enjoying mlm fiction.
This isn't me looking to start drama so if you're going to be immature in the comments please don't bother wasting your time and mine. I am more than willing to answer mature questions because I believe this is a topic I'm educated on.
It's just painful to see young girls be fed this kind of false info and turn on women who have literally done nothing and are often small queer creators.

Young teens, especially western teens, let me tell you one little secret.
There's nothing wrong with being fujin! In fact, chances are, you're already considered such. The very history of the word "fujoshi" is beautiful and powerful, it's once again queer women pushing away misogynistic homophobic men and taking back power. In Japan!
Is that not cool as hell? Would you rather act like those dumb men and try to make being a fujoshi into something shameful? Do you want to let them win?
I understand that for many of you the word has been tarnished. Unfortunately, that's the result of misinformation. It will take some time to unlearn that, but meanwhile, instead of getting mad at women reading about gays, here are some other things you can do:
Learn about the LGBT history of Japan, and of the rest of Asia as well. Many Asian countries do not allow gay marriage yet. In some, like my own, gay people aren't protected from hate crimes. Help us!
Spread petitions, sign petitions, retweet informational threads by your Asian LGBT friends.
Learn about some important people in Japanese lgbt history. Learn FROM those people. Study women's rights movement in Japan. It's interesting and super inspiring.
If you got some money, you can donate to Asian lgbt charities or young queer people looking to support themselves.

And, more importantly: amplify queer Asian voices! Listen to us when we educate you. Learn to do that rather than shut us down.
In this time we as a community need to stick together, not put each other down. We need to push back against the homophobia, transphobia, and misogyny. We can't do that if we just put down one group just because jimmy on the internet said they're bad.

We must stick together.
This is kinda blowing up so queer asian creators feel free to promo yourselves under this tweet! I'll retweet as many as I can and encourage everyone else to do the same
Another great addition!! https://mobile.twitter.com/raikamudapon/status/1338587693849014272
I'm muting the thread because the notifications are wilding but I'll be checking it periodically! Stay safe <3
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