Since there's anti abortion people in my mentions again so it's time for another thread:

-Why abortion isn't murder
-Why falsely claiming so makes you complicit in terrorism
-how to actually reduce abortion

Here we go:
First and foremost, I'm going to grant you the position that a fetus is a human being. You can have it but you should know that I'm giving you this not to be charitable but because it makes your position a lot worse, just keep that in mind moving forward.
First and foremost let's address what murder is:

Murder requires the killing of another human being to be
A) illegal
B) to be premeditated
& C) to not have any circumstantial factors, for example killing in defense of ones or someone else's autonomy.
Abortion is not A) illegal and before you go and yell about how slavery was legal once, yes sure but it doesn't meet C) either. Removing someone from your body even if it kills them is not murder. You have the right to do that.
Now this is something that you probably already know. For example if another human being is inside you sexually and you tell them to stop and to get out and they refuse, you have the right to remove them by force, even if it kills them.
Another example would be medical malpractice. Let's say some surgeon is operating on you without your active consent.. well you'd have the right to stop them from being inside you as well by any means necessary.
Now in response to that you may try to ignore active consent and suggest that the woman gave consent when she had sex but and I can't say this loudly enough, that's not how consent works.
To consent to something you have to consent to that exact thing. For example if someone agrees to try a specific sex act with you, this doesn't give you the right to try something else, not without asking again and of course consent to ones body can be revoked.
If a person is inside of you in any sexual encounter and you say stop and they don't stop. They are a rapist and you have the right to take whatever action necessary at that point.
Now before you get upset at these comparisons like so many do, I will point out to you that I am highlighting the exact same principles with all three. You are looking to remove a woman's right to consent over who or what is in her own body. It applies to all three.
Yet another example could be given from the field of medicine. With organ donation you don't have the right to use someone else's organs to sustain your life even if they're dead without their consent. Their autonomy even when dead comes before you.
This is why when pro choice people point out that anti choice people are trying to make women have less rights than dead people, we're right. The rights anti choicers are looking to strip from women while they're alive, would be granted to them again once dead.
This is the highest form of objectification there is. To suggest that once a woman is pregnant, her consent over her own body no longer matters. She is an object, an incubator. Yet these groups have the delusion that they're fighting for women.
So let's end this section: You, I nor a fetus have the right to be inside a woman without her active consent. You, I or a fetus have no right to a woman's organs without her consent and a woman's consent matters whether you accept that or not.
This is also why a fetus can be included as a double homicide if you kill a pregnant woman who consents to the fetus being there. Consent makes the difference.

Now onto the second part. Why calling abortion murder makes you complicit in terrorism:
Many people think of terrorism and other crimes as things that happen in a vacuum but they would be wrong. Terrorism almost always happens as a result of a narrative someone believes and has been told..
The great replacement narrative has been the narrative behind multiple terrorist attacks by white supremacists including the March 15 terrorist attack in Christchurch. This narrative also has ties to the "Mexicans are invading narrative' which resulted in El Paso's shooting
If you would prefer a historical example: Julius Streicher was hung after the Nuremberg trials, not because he killed any Jewish person directly but because it was established that he was largely responsible for spreading a narrative that resulted in the Holocaust.
If you need more examples: ISIS recruiters pushing their "The west is attacking Muslims" narrative. Trumps Media enemy of the people resulted in bombs being sent to media outlets and in your case: Calling abortion murder is the false narrative behind attacks on abortion clinics.
So whilst you falsely try to claim a pro life stance. You're actually spreading narratives that make you complicit in terrorist attacks such as these:
So where does that leave you exactly? Well if you truly want to reduce abortion, your target should be campaigning to have sexual health clinics in every suburb with free protection handed out on demand for anyone who wants it.
Your target should be educating youths on their sexual health and not to be stigmatizing them into thinking that their sexual experimentation is something that they should hide. This isn't healthy and it leads to unsafe sexual encounters.
The cost of these programs shouldn't be an issue for you as not only will the benefits outweigh the costs but the cost of a lack of access to reproductive healthcare is far greater whether it be the cost of aftercare, the costs of a person being out of the workplace
That is the only way to reduce abortions. By reducing the need for them in the first place. You will never stop abortions from happening, you will only pigeonhole people into back alley procedures which would kill both the fetus and the mother.
If you want to reduce abortion. Stop aligning yourself with terrorists, stop suggesting a woman's consent doesn't matter aligning yourself with Brock Turner. Instead promote safe sex practices and availability.

You'll have far more support and far more success.
You can follow @KrispKiwi.
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