debunking theories about liam payne that aren’t true and instead showing you the truth.

tw // mention of rape / sexual assault , alcohol
a major issue that is spoken about a lot in this fandom is the hugo shoot. a lot of people don’t know this, but he was so excited for that shoot. he trained and did so much for it because HE WANTED TO DO IT. here’s some screenshots of liam talking about the shoot:
circumstances. if you actually read the article and understand that he trained for it, found the shoot fun and was just so excited leading up to it. you should know this already and you wouldn’t be tweeting false accusations which can be very dangerous.
moving on to his sexual songs. yes, his team do get to pick what songs are put out there but he WILL have a say in it.

LP1 was liam finding his style of music because he wasn’t sure what direction he wanted to go in once the band ended. i’m sure his next album will be more
honest. in the happy hour podcast he mentioned his songs being ‘raunchy’ and that he’s ‘trying’ to dodge writing sexual songs.
i’m not saying all the songs liam writes are/gonna be sexual but the keyword here is TRYING. he isn’t being forced to write sexual songs. he has a say
in it all like he has a say in everything because he has HUMAN RIGHTS. and as i have mentioned in the past. if he is really, really being controlled and abused. he can report it to the local authorities.

moving on from music. i’ve seen a few tweets mentioning that steve is
abusing and hitting liam? this is clearly not the case and i’m sure you’ve seen this picture of liam with a ‘bruise’ on his eye. well that soon disappears. it looks as if it could be the lighting anyway. (selfie with the bruise vs his last naughty list interview)
+ also from that naughty list interview. liam gets told off quite a bit for swearing and that’s raised a lot of concern for some people. NO, LIAM IS NOT BEING CONTROLLED OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT.
by swearing, liam would be seen as a bad influence for kids which explains why steve was like ‘oi’ when he swore. not only this, the stream was with dixie and her fan base has a lot more younger fans than liam’s does.
liam also mentioned that his own son, bear, was watching.
let’s go back to the topic of liam being ‘controlled’ by his management. he has access to ALL of his social media accounts (why? because they are his?) but of course, there will be times when his team posts for him. here’s a few examples of him posting and replying to fans.
on the topic of instagram. let’s talk about his livestreams. of course they’re gonna be scripted to some sense but that is only what he is going to talk about e.g one of his lp shows. he’d have a couple points to talk about BUT THE REST OF THE LIVE STREAM IS DOWN TO HIM.
i’ve also seen so many tweets about liam in makeup? not exact sure what this is about... but he’s wore plenty of makeup THAT HE HAS CHOSEN TO WEAR in the past. here are a couple examples (also if you think about all the makeup for his last lp show. he WANTED to wear it.)
stop making up and spreading fake stories and theories about liam. we are not liam nor his team and these made up theories and fake rumours are worrying people. here’s a couple threads that go into detail and ‘debunk’ these rumours etc.
+ if i see any more threads like this. i’ll add them to this thread.
also we know liams team is shit but people are throwing around allegations that are untrue and they can put liam at danger so just stop.
once again i am NOT saying liam’s management is good. they’re really not but they’re not as bad as some of you lot are making them out to be. he has a say in literally everything and if you can’t see that then idk..
WATCH THIS! it’s about the hugo shoot 🙄
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