Welcome to the Sage a Day thread, where, by the request of @yashwinacanter, I post a photo of the Tiniest Baby Sage comparing his smallness to household objects. Day 1: Sage v. Loveseat
Sage a Day! Day 2: Sage v. Steering wheel. Yes, he was sleeping there. No, I don’t know why.
Sage a Day! Day 3: Sage v. Winter boots (for context these are only a women’s size 6!)
Sage a Day! Day 4: Sage v. Aloe vera houseplant. The soft mat is “his spot” in the kitchen.
And we’re back with a little afternoon Sage a Day! Day 5: Sage v. Arizona tea. To be fair, he is a little farther away from the camera so this isn’t a perfect perspective but I can confirm in reality he really is just too small in comparison.
Sage a Day! Day 6: Sage v. Garden hose. Why, yes, I have 30 of these pictures and this is the least blurry one, okay thanks!
Sage a Day! Day 7: Sage v. Bath towel. Nothing extra or cute to say today, just some good old fashioned shenanigans in the morning.
Sage a Day! Day 8: Sage v. Lawn chair (and bonus tiny tennis ball)
Sage a Day! Day 9: Sage v. Fireplace bellows. Yes, I had to look up what these were called.
Sage a Day! Day 10: Sage v. Leuchtturm notebook. Can you see where he has taken a nibble?
Sage a Day! Day 11: Sage v. Pillow. If you can believe it, Sage is 8 weeks today! And yes this is a lazy Sage a Day because it is Sunday and we are sleepy kthaaaaanksbye ☁️😴
Sage a Day! Day 12: Sage v. Sagebrush (okay not a household object, but really how was I supposed to resist comparing him to his namesake?)
Sage a Day! Day 13: Sage v. Adult dogs (l to r: Nova, Dungey, and Lily)
Sage a Day! Day 14: Sage v. Mug (please ignore my weirdly placed gaming chair, we had to make room for tug-o-war)
For your Christmas Eve Sage a Day, nothing fancy, just a puppy in his first snow ❄️ Day 15: Sage v. Snow (and winter boots pt. 2, does he look bigger to anyone else??)
A Merry Christmas Sage a Day! Day 16: Sage v. Christmas Tree 🎄 I know he’s missing a big red bow but just know he would’ve eaten it anyways 🎁
Sage a Day! Day 17: Sage v. Adult border collie (Poe), supposedly they are the same breed but I can’t imagine him getting this big!
Sage a Day! Day 18: Sage v. Himself. This is the first time I’ve seen him notice his reflection and he just doesn’t get why that other Sage won’t play with him!
A very late Sage a Day! Day 19: which is really not Sage v. Anything but we had a busy day and you deserve cute pictures of him.
Sage a Day! Day 20: Sage v. Oven. We are house sitting in the city and there are so many new things to see and bark at, like the mailman, so it is all very tiring.
Sage a Day! Day 21: Sage v. Good lighting and naps. What can I say, we’re on vacation folks, we care not for comparing his size and only for catching 💤 and the mailman when we can
Your Sage a Day yesterday was going to be the brandy apple pie I didn’t eat or the bottle of wine I didn’t drink but instead I put on Castle in the Sky and fell asleep at 8. Please accept Day 22: A little 2020 Sage compilation
Sage a Day! Day 23: Sage v. Construction noises. This would have been nice puppy nap/rain ASMR but the basement is getting renovated.
Sage a Day! Day 24: Sage v. Door. He is getting bigger but he is still so little in comparison to everything else!!
First Monday of the year Sage a Day! Day 25: Sage v. MacBook. Seemed fitting
This week is kicking my butt so please have my cutest, most favorite pictures for a Goodnight Sage a Day! Day 26: Sage v. My poor little heart that just loves him so much
Sage a Day! Day 27: Sage v. The Sun. Can you tell we are happy to be home?
It snowed overnight and hasn’t stopped since. Sage a Day! Day 28: Sage v. My winter coat. He won 😭
Sage a Day! Day 29: Sage v. Couch, Day 1 v. Day 29!!!
Sage a Day! Day 30: Sage (and me) v. Not Getting Enough Sleep
It’s been muddy. Sage a Day! Day 31: Sage v. All the dirt in the world
Sage a Day! Day 32: Sage v. Horse skeleton. 10/10 recommend walking around looking for dead things to “””de-stress”””
It’s been a day. Have a dirty puppy napping in the sun. Sage a Day! Day 33: Sage v. Surprisingly nice winter days
In case you’re wondering how I get Sage to nap during my meetings, this is what we’re up to most mornings/afternoons. Sage a Day! Day 34: Sage v. Zoomies (and the impending nap to follow)
Sage a Day! Day 35: Sage v. This mushroom he foraged himself! 🍄
Sage a Day! Day 36: Sage v. Lamp. He decided this was the best spot to keep watch. Also yes, this was post bath last night.
Sage has been with my parents for a few days but we’re back with a Sage a Day! Day 37: Sage v. Lawnmower
After a very muddy play date I present your Sage a Day! Day 38: Sage v. Bath time
Sometimes this is how your Friday starts... Sage a Day! Day 39: Sage v. The mess he made during my virtual therapy appointment
A very grand Sage a Day! Day 40: Sage v. Waterfall. Yes, he posed for these pics like a little kid on a field trip 🥺
Good morning Sage a Day! Day 41: Sage v. Wood pile. How is he still so small?
Sage has been with my parents the last few days but here he is, bigger than he’s ever been! Sage a Day! Day 42: Sage v. Nintendo Switch
Sage a Day! Day 43: Sage v. The new bone he is currently obsessed with because he is a teething baby who had to be stopped from chewing on the brick fireplace 😭🦴
Glad WFH still includes a buddy to chat by the water cooler with. Sage a Day! Day 44: Sage v. Water cooler
Sage has been spending a few hours a day playing with the other dogs and I always feel like I’m picking up my mess of a son from kindergarten after 😭 Sage a Day! Day 45: Sage v. Playtime
Spending more and more time with the big dogs is making this baby a Big Strong Boy. Sage a Day! Day 46: Sage v. His bone, the fireplace, take your pick, he’s huge!
The moths have returned and Sage is OBSESSED. Sage a Day! Day (Night?) 47: Sage v. This moth he tasted and then spit back out. It lived!
Turned around before going to bed and couldn’t help but take these pictures. Sage a Day! Day 48: Sage v. A long hallway at bedtime
In case you were wondering what it’s like to wake up with this bundle of joy every morning, have a very early Sage a Day! Day 49: Sage v. The 20 more minutes I would have really liked to keep sleeping (he won)
Anyone else feel like digging a hole to stick your head in? Just us? Sage a Day! Day 50: Sage v. The immense urge to dig a hole and stick his nose in it
Sage and I are taking a rest day and not feeling very camera ready so we are just lounging. Day 51: Sage (and me) v. What feels like the longest week after longest month after the longest year 😴
Sage grew out of his second collar so here we have a very normal reaction to getting his new collar. Sage a Day! Day 52: Sage v. Collars, old and new
Work is busy! Sage a Day! Day 53: Sage v. Morning meetings
Good morning Sage a Day! Day 54: Sage v. A case of the sleepies
Someone’s under belly got cold in the snow so now we have to cuddle like this apparently. Sage a Day! Day 55: Sage v. A cold tummy
Happy Valentine’s Sage a Day! Day 55: Sage v. All the love in my heart 💗
Same. Sage a Day! Day 56: Sage v. Waking up Tuesday morning after a three day weekend
Sage a Day! Day 57: Sage v. Napping while I watch The Bachelor
This is the second bath this week. Sage a Day! Day 58: Sage v. Playing in the mixture of snow melt/mud that I do NOT want in my house
Somebody needed to be extra cozy last night ☺️ Sage a Day! Day 59: Sage v. Heater vent
Took a little break but the biggest boy is back! Sage a Day! Day 60: Sage v. Queen sized bed
Morning snack. Sage a Day! Day 61: Sage v. His need to chew
(sound UP for *cronch* and puppy licking noises)
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