I see people arguing about incels again on the TL (the discourse is a hamster wheel) so I am going to share some wisdom from the Book of Pook.

One of Pook's best insights is that desiring to settle down is ITSELF unattractive https://twitter.com/default_friend/status/1335260846101045251
You should be free as a bird, singing, full of joy with life. Women want to throw the bird in a cage

When birds try to fly into the cage, wouldn’t you think something is wrong with that bird? Women want the birds that are FREE, WILD, and BEAUTIFUL.
Some people think women are weak and stupid. I disagree strongly and, you know what, so do you. The reason why there is [red pill ideology] is precisely because women were stronger than we thought.
Manners for men: direction of masculine strength, not the denial of it.
Relationships of the ‘New’ Man and the ‘New’ Woman are two androgynous beings swapping a phallus. “I’ll be the Man for today, honey.” “OK dear, but I get the phallus Thursday for a meeting at work.”
Many find a woman (or women) as a substitute for achievement. This is female thinking, that the ‘union’ means your life is complete. When you think you are ‘achieving things’ because you have a woman or women, you stunt life.
Since the changes and joys of life’s arc (babies, family, courtship, marriage) have no role for the intelligentsia, it is no surprise that anti-sexuality flourishes among intellectuals. The greatest dupe with women (and life) is the professor cocooned in doctorates against life
Women are at their loudest when they’re lonely. This is also true with dogs.
Women who complain of sexual harassment wish it would happen to them.
Women do not deceive men. We use women to deceive ourselves.
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