thought stasi, here's a template for you. don't say I never gave you anything, now get off my profile
no, I don't support fascism. it's corrupt and immoral.

however, I also don't support antifa, as it's both as well.

antifa pushes it's agenda the same way fascism does, in some cases worse.

antifa isn't anti-fascist, they're just against fascism that isn't their fascism.
no, I don't support pedophilia. children cannot consent. however, if they are only joking, let them joke, and if they are seeking help, sure, it's bad they think like that, but at least they understand it's a problem.

unless you have proof of someone being sexual with a minor,>
>please understand I do not take you seriously at all, and will immediately assume you have no ground to stand on.
while yes, I get the purpose of /j, and /s, and all those other things, please only use them when you're dealing with people that need them. if it's a public thing for everyone, yeah no. they ruin the joke for others and just kinda seem self-centered for people to expect you to>
>explain to all of your followers, even the ones that can tell when you're joking, that you're joking. honestly, as someone they're made for, I feel bad for those that don't need them because they have jokes ruined because of people like me.
while I 100% do agree that anyone should be able to identify as they please, and use whatever pronouns they please, I would much rather not use it/its pronouns, as I used to use those pronouns to attack others, and it reminds me of back then. not only that, but they're also>
>objectifying, and my brain immediately scolds me for it after I do it.
bi/pan lesbians are fine, I have no issues with them, however the cult following they have is stupid. if you spam too much about "bi/pan lesbians are valid" or "<insert thing people do here> is valid", I might mute or block you.
ableism isn't a thing that the majority of neurodivergent people are worried about, and in fact, a lot of these people have a lot more potential than society leads people to see. yes, I do agree we need ways to help those that actually need it. however if it negatively impacts>
>everyone else, we really don't need it that much.
I don't really have dysphoria, I simply don't want anything about me to be gendered unless need ABSOLUTELY be. I also don't need to be pandered to, or told that I'm "valid", because I have an ego of my own. if my mother doesn't accept me, so what she can't change it. if my>
>father doesn't accept me, so what, I don't live with him.

also on that same note, if someone is attacking me for being nb, or pansexual, don't defend me. I can handle myself.
the social movement BLM is fine, and in fact I support it. the police currently have too much power, and should be regulated better. however, the ORGANIZATION BLM, I do not support. they miss the entire point of the movement, and just make matters worse.
on a related note, I won't put BLM or ACAB on my profile anywhere. I'm just a general pacifist, I don't want anyone to be hurt, and I refuse to single out any one group to be target of love or hate. call me an egalitarian, but everyone should be safe, not just certain people.
bisexuals are not transphobic simply because bi means two, and it insinuates that they only believe in two genders, nor does it mean that they don't look at someone's personality. it simply means that they are open to anyone, and leave it at that.
while I have zero problems with neopronouns or xenogenders in general, a few step too far, or can simply be classified as other things, such as otherkin. I won't hate you, just kinda annoyed.
being cis, white, straight, and/or male does not make you a bad person. not at all. the fact that people actually believe that these traits are bad traits is sickening, since if the same were to be said about trans, black, gay, and/or female people, you would be hated.
even if I may disagree with someone, or find someone's ideals to be immoral, I still will fight for their right to express them as long as they aren't directly causing or threatening bodily harm upon someone.
saying that someone is a "<blank> defender" as a means of trying to shut them down is not a valid argument. sure, sometimes they might be wrong, however saying "you're a <blank> defender" or "stop defending <blank>", without a counterargument, simply isn't an argument.
violence is violence, end of story. it doesn't matter who was attacked, or why they were attacked, or what anyone involved believes in, violence against the innocent is NOT a good way to get people to join your cause, it only causes others to view your cause negatively.
(I should clarify, the innocent means unarmed civilians who are not in power. since federal agents, police officers, etc are armed, they are combatants, not innocents.)
I understand that, as an LGBTQ person, I got my rights from riots. however, even back then, I would not have wanted to gain my rights in such a violent way, and I feel bad for those who's property was damaged in those riots.
while some companies have some bad habits, and can from time to time make it seem as if all of them are corrupt, a lot try their hardest to give back when they can. however, of course, this is always overshadowed by things that bad businesses do.
nothing should be gatekept based on culture, ever. it's greedy, and territorial. in fact, I don't completely agree with the concept of culture myself. be who you want to be, not what society wants you to be.
while I personally don't find genital preferences very attractive, as it insinuates that you think of sex first, then love, they are fine, and deserve respect. they're not transphobic, you just don't have what they're looking for in a partner.
both inclusionists and exclusionists have fair and valid points, and at the same time, they also have some lapses in logic. while inclusionists should maybe be a little critical of things, exclusionists should let people be, and allow others to idenitify how they want, even if>
>there may not be medical studies to back it up.
religion is fine, you are allowed to believe in whatever you want to believe in, as long as your beliefs don't invalidate or cause others harm. don't try to use your religion as an excuse to be a cunt.
trump is a bad president, that I can agree with. however, biden is really bad too, and both are authoritarians, which is the main source of a lot of our problems.
while trans people on twitter aren't all 100% bad, the community is toxic and gives the LGBTQ community a bad name by associating it with cancel culture.
stop being offended for people, it's actually quite insulting. you're basically saying "hey so you don't know it but they just said something that offended you so I'm gonna go help you don't say anything I know you must be really grateful" no, karen, please fuck off.
if I slip up and use the wrong pronouns for someone, just correct me as you would if I misspelled something. like, it happens, my brain lapses sometimes. there's no need to attack me over it.
there is no such thing as a "bad joke", just jokes that you don't particularly like, or find funny. there is nothing anyone should be stopped from joking about, because at the end of the day, a joke is a joke, and it only goes too far when someone is directly being put in danger.
I can't believe I have to say this, but fatphobia isn't a thing, caring about someone's physical well-being is. yes, it is a bad practice to not date someone because they're fat and nothing else, however simply wanting someone to lose weight is not bigotry in any way.
no one is entitled to anything at all if it requires the hard work and/or education of other people. if something is provided by the state, it will never be free, because it will come at the cost of higher taxes, and if this were to happen without that, I feel>
>it just seems rude to take people that have spent countless weeks, months, years, even in training for these huge jobs that take a lot of skill and precision, and force them to do it for free with nothing but a pat on the back because their career is deemed a human right.
saying "latinx" instead of "latino" or "latina", simply makes you look like a dipshit. no one asked for the o or a to be removed, you just took it upon yourself.
80% of the things that are labelled "white supremacy" are not actually white supremacy. the same can be said about slurs, racism, sexism, etc, it's way too easy to say that it's any of these, as the definition for all of these terms seems to fluctuate between cases
for example, if you ask google, it will say racism is "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.", which seems like it's>
>exactly what everyone claims it is, except it's not. if you ask your average person if discrimination against white people is racism, they'd most likely say that it isn't, because they're a majority. thing is, the definition doesn't say that is HAS to be a minority target, or>
>even has to be carried out by a member of the majority. it only says that it's "*typically* one that is a minority or marginalized.", not ALWAYS. however, if you were to tell someone that all lives matter, they would give you an analogy that basically means "yeah, we know, but>
>right now black lives are in the spotlight", and ok fair. HOWEVER, in a lot of these comics that they use, they mention that if white people had a similar issue, they would help. even though mostly the same people would say that white people are not the targets of racism,>
>because they're a majority.

now, lets say, hypothetically, a race war were to break out and both sides are taking eachother's lives. would these same people side with black people, white people, or would they not support the race war at all? there are two answers here a racist>
>would choose, and one that a decent human being would choose.
while I completely understand the reason behind some TWs and CWs, especially for gore, NSFW, and more vile things, it doesn't need to be there for everything that could possibly trigger someone. here soon we're going to be padding walls and floors because "WhAt iF SoMeOnE TrIpS?"
my opinions on the other quadrents:

fuck authleft in particular
libleft is fine in moderation but becomes cancerous quick, a lot of the points I made here will trigger 70% of them
authright is annoying at best, but I can rest easily knowing 85% of them are close to death
if you dm me some shit about "you're following a transphobe" or "block this person", I'm just going to block you. cancel culture is simply another way of wording censorship to make it seem more democratic, when in reality, it's not good any way you slice it.
saying that someone is "valid" is just plain annoying. yes, I get you're trying to reassure them, but at this point it's just become a meme that "<blank> is valid!"

which goes back to my point against inclusionists. be critical of things sometimes, but at the same time, don't>
>attack someone because you don't agree with how they identify themselves.

criticism =/= hate, it simply means pointing out fallacies and flaws.
for example: while I'm fine with bi/pan lesbians identifying themselves as such, I honestly think the wording is pretty misleading, making people think that they're just bisexual/pansexual women, or just trying to ruin the terminology of bisexual/pansexual. not only that, but>
>it gives people the ability to claim that lesbians who don't identify themselves as a bi/pan lesbians are transphobic, which just isn't the case most times. the underlying meaning is fine, just simply needs a rewording for it to make sense and not seem malicious.
victimless crimes and thought crimes are not crimes.
capitalism isn't the reason people would be poor, or why poverty exists. that's corporatocracy, and I agree that that's a bad ideology. while businesses should be free to do as they please without regulation, they should not be a governing force.
this one's gonna get me killed

stonetoss, yes, sometimes does make some pretty shit takes. however, sometimes they're pretty accurate.
the whole "apologist" term leave little room for people to allow others to change and grow. it makes people feel like they have one single shot to do things right, or they're hated forever, which is just simply wrong.
malice is not a justification for malice, fighting fire with fire only makes a bigger fire.
while I'm perfectly fine with plurals, being with a plural who's body is a minor is still pedophilia, even if the personality you're talking to isn't a minor. as with trans, non-binary, gay, bi, ace, black, etc people, I'm fine with y'all, but don't use it as a free pass.
while I disagree with antifa almost entirely, I'm fine with them as long as they don't shove their beliefs down people's throats or harass people over it. it's the ones that go so far libertarian that the horseshoe theory comes into effect I have an issue with.
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