Hi everyone!

There is another account I would urge you to report as soon as possible.

This account is @/Kang_Mactonite.

Please be very careful when looking through this thread. I’ll trigger warning each part. +
TW // Suicide , Suicidal mention


They claimed that suicide was something which should be accepted. +
TW // Antisemitism , Antisemitic behaviour


They said this, which is highly offensive. +
TW // Grooming


They said they would want to be groomed. This is a potential concern for this user’s safety.
TW // Paedophilia , MAPs , AAM


This user’s bio suggests that this is a minor who is also an AAM (adult-attracted minor) who supports MAPs (paedophiles).

This, too, is a potential concern for the user. +
Please report this user as soon as possible and spread the word.

Thank you so much. 🧡
TW // Nazi imagery


Oh, and another thing I didn’t mention in this thread is their profile picture, which displays a character on a sw*stika background.

Please report ASAP! Thank you. Stay safe. 🧡
You can follow @TidyTheTL.
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