This seems like a particularly good day to celebrate small presses, self-publishers, and all the delightful diversity of the independent publishing world. (Not the ones who don't pay their authors, though.) I propose the following:
Authors and small publishers, reply with one (1) book of yours BUT ALSO commit to buying and reviewing one (1) book from someone else in the thread. (Obviously this is only going to work if several people reply!)
Readers can join in by: buying/reviewing; adding to Goodreads/retweeting; recommending books from self-published authors or small presses.
Obviously I can't check who has and hasn't bought/reviewed books - though feel free to tell me when you do. We're working on the honour system here. I trust you to buy a book because you know how good it feels when someone buys yours. Who's in? #IndieAuthors #WritingCommunity
For example: I have just ordered 'Inlands' by Elin Willows and 'Transfer Window' by Maria Gerhardt from @nordiskbooks
You can follow @KathleenJowitt.
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