That video made me cringe. It was inexcusable. Motaraa deserves everything she is getting. Nigerians, I come to you with humility. Your anger is justified. But, “when an adult is in the house, the she-goat is not left to suffer the pains of parturition on its tether”.
Should we destroy a life to save another? Motaraa was stupid!No sugar coating it. It was insensitively wicked.But then, when you are young, you are permitted to err, yes, even this too was an error. Should we then destroy her to teach her lesson?What then is the lesson if her
Destruction is the end goal? There will be restitution for the poor girl:we shall ensure that. But what shall it profit us if in our righteous indignation and opprobrium towards that vainglorious behavior we drive her to self-hurt?What satisfaction will we derive from that? How
Will that ingrain the lesson we are trying to pass to her? I am aware from posts that Motaraa is showing contrition and public penance. That’s a start. But she needs to check into a rehab program aimed at inculcating real values in her. For someone from humble backgrounds
she ought to show more empathy for the downtrodden. I am sure she understands that now. Let’s temper our demand for justice with mercy. Let’s teach her the compassion that she clearly didn’t show that young girl. Let’s discipline her with love. Please my people, show mercy.
I know some will insult me and try to drag me for this solemn plea of mercy, no problems but my response to them will be Achebe’s proverb: Let the slave who sees another cast into a shallow grave know that he will be buried in the same way when his day comes. ✌️.
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