Pandemics are tough to manage, obviously. But what this report so clearly lays out is that those we elected and trusted to manage it bungled their one job: working together to stop the most devastating public health threat to our community in recent history./2
Stopping a pandemic is not and should not be a political act. You do not play politics with a deadly disease. Political leaders who care about the people who elected them should have only one purpose in a pandemic: STOPPING THE DISEASE. Nothing else matters more./3
The people of Alberta, through the Legislature, know the importance of depoliticizing the elimination of disease. They gave DIRECT, INDEPENDENT AND BROAD authority to do so to medical persons not politicians. @jkenney and @shandro usurped the will of the people./4
Here's another takeaway: HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. Use any outrage you feel over this to let them know this is not acceptable./5
Why? Because stressed out and overworked public health officials spent more time managing the Premier and his band of merry ignoramuses than the pandemic. Chasing down stupid orders that they knew won't work./6
@CMOH_Alberta is not blameless. She had a duty to warn Albertans of what was going on. People were dying on her watch. She ought to have resigned when she lost control of the situation./7
Last point - the leaks. Whistleblowers do it for a reason - usually it is that they have witnessed extreme wrongdoing that cannot be ignored. Whistleblowing is incredibly brave, risky, and the best example of duty to the people. We should be grateful to them./end (for now)
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