PLACISTs often use a “what about” deflection to de-center dialogue about anti-Black racism, even horrible accounts of other types of racism. They often pit Black people & POC against one another, & often advance variations of KKK slogans: antiracism is anti-POC & anti-white 1/3
Attacking yet ANOTHER young Black person as possibly being anti-Asian for merely affirming their Black life and experiences, PLACE once again deflects from BLM perspectives in order to protect a racist and classist system which in fact denies the vast majority of Asian- 2/3
applicants access to SHSAT schools. Anti-Black racism is unique in systems of oppression. It’s telling that PLACE often deflects BLM dialogue by weaponizing variants of a fallacious “All Lives Matter” argument rooted in a “White Lives Matter” one. Keep your eye on that ball 3/3
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