Keep being asked questions about meeting/travel over the holidays that people want to hear an emotionally reassuring & comforting answer. I can't do that as a public health scientist right now & have to be straight, even if unpopular.
COVID doesn't care that it's Christmas or Thanksgiving. It spreads in indoor, poorly ventilated settings esp households. If you want to safely see family, check local prevalence, get outside for walks, ventilate indoor settings & isolate for 2 weeks before seeing vulnerable ppl.
You can also get tested (Boots, etc) before seeing family/travel but virus incubation period makes this tricky. Could test negative and be infectious & positive the next day. 2 negative tests several days apart can help mitigate risk.
Travel concerning esp with Tier system. Movement from higher to lower prevalence areas means we are likely to see all Tiers going upwards & heading towards national-type lockdown in early 2021. Protecting low prevalence means restricting travel. Virus moves when people move.
Final tweet: I really feel for NHS doctors, nurses, support staff & cleaners who have to show up each day & deal with whatever comes their way. It's like leaving your goalie alone on the pitch. It's a losing game. We all need to play our part to keep burden off health services.
You can follow @devisridhar.
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