This is the only moment where I regret not being fond of taking pictures. In this special day, I couldn't show other people and brag things about how good looking you are. Hehe. Well, just not like the way how other people do, nowadays. Posting pictures and stuffs.
But with this thread, let me make it up to you for all those moments I've let you down, I've disappointed you, I've shown less care about how you really feel, the times I disregarded you, doubted you and your choices, and for all my shortcomings as your daughter.
Growing up, all I could remember was you being busy with business. You never attended any of my recognitions and family days in school. You were never the one to receive my report cards. We never had some sort of family vacations and trips. You never sent and fetch me to school.
You never joined me on educational trips. You never taught me how to swim, how to ride a bike, how to play instruments, or how to play sports. You never skipped doing business even on holidays. We never get the chance to be open about each other's feelings.
And back then I thought, earning money was the only thing that mattered to you. Your priority. It always felt like, we're running out of time when we're together so instead of doing those things, we always end up saying goodbye or maybe next time. Back then or even now.
Then I realized, all those were sacrifices you had to make to be able to provide a good future for me. I was blinded by your absence and forgot to see the real picture.
Now, I was able to enter college without worrying about the expenses since you've already provided an educational plan for me. I was able to buy the things I want since you've already saved up for me. I almost forgot the times you carrying me to bed,
how you manage to make time just to let me visit our relatives from your side, and the times you had to wake up early just to cook so that I can have a decent breakfast before school. I almost forgot all those simple things that mattered the most.
We were challenged by extreme hardships all our life, yet you've never shown any signs of weakness. I've never seen you cry. You never shouted at me. You never disgrace me. You never abandoned me. You never doubted His plans. You were the strongest person I know.
You were always and will always be my strength. You're my courage and I want you to know how proud and blessed I am that you're my father. So, happy happy birthday Papa! It's been 9 years of celebrating occassions like this apart but I believe, someday soon,
we'll finally be able to hug each other. I know you're proud of me and you love me with all your heart even though you never said it straight to to face. I know you won't be able to read this now, but it's in my notes and I can always let you read it.
Besides these words aren't enough to describe how blessed and grateful I am for having you. See you soon. I love you and I miss you so much. ❤️
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