tw - suicide, death

a week has passed since the finale aired and when i look back now to see the bigger picture, the message what they wanted to tell us with how it all ended:

You can fight as much as you want for your life, all the crap that happens to you, just happens. (..)
You can struggle with your mental health, it won't matter. You can try to do better, it's useless. No matter how much you fight, you will never be able to experience true happiness in your life. Death is the only solution, if you're dead you will be able to be happy & free again.
All together: Life is meaningless. That's what they gave us with the finale. Keep fighting how much u want, it's unnecessary bc you will give up and die anyway.

Dean was struggling his whole life and never gave up, even when he wanted to die. he didn't stop. And this show (..)
just did everything to him what I mentioned in this thread. They didn't care about his happiness, they didn't care about his life and the fact that for once he wanted to live. And it breaks my heart even more when I think about how many people saw/see themselves in Dean. (..)
Because we all had our monsters in real life and eventually still do. We had faith that if he can keep fighting to get the happy end he deserves, then we can do it too. But this just took away all our hope for a better life. So many people will probably relapse again and (...)
also a lot of people may proof the writers wrong and keep fighting for Dean even more. Dean was never able to speak up about his feelings and in the last episodes they really COMPLETELY SILENCED HIM. Which made me sick, because he has grown so much over the years just for the
writers to make him shut up again and ignore what's going on in his heart & mind. He deserved to he heard, he deserved to live a happy life- and so do you. ALL OF YOU. You can make this right, you can make a difference. Dean will always be with you, always. he won't go anywhere.
He will stick with you for the rest of your life, because he's a part of you. And NO ONE can take this away from you. He will go through the good and the bad with you. He will always be there. He will never leave your side. He's family.. and we don't leave family behind. <3
I also wanna mention Cas's confession in this thread. Because that one was something big that left us with mixed feelings. He opened himself, he came out to his best friend and tells him he love him and what does he get? He goes to mega hell. Idc if he went to heaven right after,
but that's NOT how you make real lgbtq representation. And that's on the writers only. I'm glad that he came out and we finally have him confirmed as queer, but the consequences for him beeing gay shouldn't even exist in the first place and them writing it that way and being (..)
surprised that we consider it as "bury your gays trope" is more than stupid. Dean also being silenced and not being able to say anything back or not being able to talk about the real reason what happened in that day just shows, that the c*w or the writers wanted to avoid him (..)
becoming officially bi on screen as well. Because if they would care, they would've let Dean talk about EVERYTHING with Sam & not just let him know that he "sacrificed himself". But in the end they let him awfully bleed out on a nail for minutes. You know where I'm going here?
Dean COMPLETELY got silenced SINCE the confession. They didn't let him speak, grieve or cry. Because they knew there were feelings for Cas involved. Both deserved so much better, deserved to live together with an happy end. And I will NEVER forgive the writers /c*w for this one.
AND THIS IS ONE OF MANY REASONS. #TheySilencedThem #TheySilencedYou
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