This has certainly been a tough year. At this time. I think it’s more important than ever to be thankful. Here’s my list. (A thread. Not sorry)

Dr Anthony Fauci and all docs and scientists who have been sounding the alarm about covid to try to drown out the ignorance.
All the healthcare workers who are exhausted and panicked and still do their job to try and save lives. The entire staff at hospitals, every one of you, who do what needs to be done to make it safe and clean and to support the caregivers.
The essential workers who have continued to work to keep our economy going. Grocery workers, delivery and mail carriers, personal shoppers, restaurant workers, and retail.
And a huge thanks to the people who are any part of helping those in need. Food banks, especially, who helped provide meals to families who are struggling. Anyone who donated to these charitable efforts. Time, money, assistance to those doing the work. You are heroes.
Teachers and school administrators. You have likely had the most trying time of your career this year, and are somehow making it work to teach our children. Parents who are now home school teachers, and those doing that as well as a full time job. Hang in there.
Anyone in public service, local, state, federal, who are likely facing horrible backlash just for trying to keep those in your communities safe.
Legal professionals who are doing work for free to help folks stay in their homes. Anyone offering their professional expertise in any capacity to help others this year.
Our military, who always protect and serve this nation. Police who have truly tried to keep their streets safe. Especially those who check their peers for aggressive policing. Protesters who have marched to hold those who have not accountable.
The scientists and researchers who have helped to develop effective vaccines in record time. Your work is invaluable. Those working to get that out to the public as soon as possible. Thank you!
And personally, I am grateful to have a healthy family at this moment. We say that all the time, but this year it’s never been more true. To anyone who lost a loved one to this virus, you have my deepest sympathy.
I had a close call with my father this year (not covid related) and I’m so grateful that he seems to be improving and healing. Thanks to his care team who kept him alive and well.
And a huge thank you to the 80.2 million people who said NO MORE on November 3rd and elected Biden/Harris to clean up this mess. Thanks to @staceyabrams for her work in registering so many new voters and getting them to the polls.
To anyone who helped canvass, register voters, worked the polls. You literally helped to save our democracy. It has never been more at risk than now. Those still working in Georgia so we can have real change in January.
I’m also thankful for a husband who has made this crazy year bearable. I always said married folks are not meant to spend 24/7 together. Well, we’ve done that this year and still manage to not want to run for the hills. He’s the funniest and most caring person I know. ❤️
I’m also thankful for our pets who keep us constantly amused. I’m thankful my son got home from school safe and is covid free after a very strange semester and will be safe with us for 2 months now. I’m thankful my oldest son has been here through it all to help us tremendously.
I’m also thankful to have a job I can do at home. To those who lost work this year, I pray the new year will bring us a vaccine that will make it possible for you to get back out and prosper. I hope you can get the help you need until then. Help is on the way. Don’t give up hope.
And I am thankful for good entertainment that has made being at home for 9 months straight somewhat doable. I’ve watched literally everything, I’ve read and reread favorite books, I’ve listened to @Harry_Styles and @DollyParton and @StevieNicks and @ChrisStapleton etc to escape.
I’m thankful for the wonderful friends I’ve made on this app cause we all loved twilight or Robert Pattinson a decade ago. I’ve made lasting friendships through that common bond. I look forward to more fangirl stuff and less politics next year.
I’m thankful for anyone who has made me laugh or smile this year. Social media can be so toxic, but it can also be a huge stress reliever. We’ve had some dark times, and somehow still managed to laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
And lastly, I’m grateful to the best friend in the world who has talked me off a ledge and vice versa so many times since we were college students a million years ago. I love you @jasklong!
You can follow @rhonda_.
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