I'm tired as hell. If you guys want to ask about Sonic, please refer to my mods. He is gaslighting me in other servers and I am legitimately too tired to try and convince you guys that I have a valid reason to block him. I can give you basic information in the thread below:
1. He asked around for my IRL age. Not asking around for my personal info is a hard rule in my Discord and Twitch.
2. He kept pinging me and dm’ing me privately when it is explicitly stated in the rules that you musk ask for consent first.
3. He asked other mods on how to become a mod and expressed some concerning motives and beliefs surrounding behind this. I felt like he wanted to become mod for ulterior motives.
4. He kept donating massive amounts of money even as he expressed financial instability. This made me HIGHLY uncomfortable on top of the rule-breaking. It felt as if he felt entitled to special treatment because her gave me money.
5. After I blocked him, He found every one of my accounts and tried to add me including my Steam account which I’ve never given to anyone or posted on any of my socials. This is invasive as hell.
6. And finally, he is in other servers trying to gaslight me. I urge you all to STOP messaging me. He is blocked on my accounts because he broke the rules. That is IT. It does not mean he broke yours and you are free to make your own judgement. This just further proves my point.
I draw my lines clearly and am not very forgiving of people crossing them. Please stop pushing my boundaries and questioning me. It may seem like I’m being mean but those are my rules. I’m dealing with a lot and cannot give this more time than it needs. Thank you.
Oh and he just found my family’s steam and added them. Legit calling my lawyer now.
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