To all those who are asking for my opinion about BJP’s plan of establishing a “Shia waqf” board and grab the waqf from present organisers.
This will be the first and last time I am stating on this petty issue compared to the existential challenge we all Kashmiris are facing 1/n
I have never been a part in the functioning of awqaf, therefore I am neither the part of its gains nor loses.
Their are some who are asking for its accountability and audit, which is a genuine call. But that is a question which should be dealt with through a sharia jurist.. 2/n
.. a ‘Marja’ or at least an ‘aadil’, not in the court of RSS and by BJP’s might. 3/n
“Shia waqf” was kept out of the general waqf act in J&K’s constitution,because of the jurisprudential laws which governs a waqf in shia theology. 4/n
So, it’s important to mention here that its status can only be established by jurisprudential laws of Islam, not by RSS’s diktats and their co-conspirators here. 5/n
My family’s existence doesn’t lie in awqaf.
Awqaf has not delivered my family. My family has delivered awqaf to the society. My family does not owe it’s existence of 600 years to awqaf. It’s the other way round actually. 6/n
My focus is not towards this lesser important issue compared to the larger issue of existence of our entire Kashmiri (J&K) society and our generations to come. Our attention and energy should be focused at saving our existence.
Therefore all those conspiring individuals... 7/n
..former renegades, former govt servants, who in the years of all their lives put together, have not contributed even a mere 1% of what this family has, want to settle scores for self satisfaction and grudges and grab waqf with the help of RSS, SHOULD BE LET FREE TO TRY THAT. 8/n
History will note them as a bunch of opportunists who conspired with RSS, while we all were fighting for our collective existence, and they committed a jurisprudentially unlawful act and BJP helped them because it fitted in their larger scheme. 9/n
I don’t want to be consumed by this petty issue at this hour of crises. That’s why I said this is the first and last time I am stating on this issue. 10/10
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