Know why people are so miffed about #Habbo2020? Because year after year Habbo/Sulake have taken advantage of, and exploited their loyal core-users. This has been a thing since the very start, & I find it nuts that people aren't realising it until now. Here's a timeline. (THREAD)
2001/2 - The "teen invasion" happens on Habbo UK, Sulake focuses their efforts on attracting more young players.
2003 - Clothing that was originally supposed to be free for Habbo jp (and I believe WAS free at some stage?) gets added to the hotel as HC exclusive items.
2003 - 2006 - There are a few scandals surrounding hotel managers, but nothing too major.
2007/8 - v18 is slowly phased out, and with it, we lose A LOT of clothing colours. Some of these colours are slowly re-added to the game as "HC" exclusive, others don't come back at all.
2009 - Customer service quality slowly starts to decline, but isn't horrific (yet), the merger of all English speaking hotels happens despite the outcry. Several ultra rares are reduced to being worthless due to values being dramatically different from hotel-to-hotel...
... Compensation is either not given out at all, or if you're one of the lucky ones you end up with an Ultramarine (which at the time was worth about 300c).
2009 (cont) - Several core features are removed with the promise of them "being added in later" These include:
Battle Ball (now banzai), Snow Storm (now freeze... sorta, but not really), Wobble Squabble (still gone, lol), Diving (still gone), Cameras (which took them YEARS to re-add).
2010 - Cust service continues to worsen. Several accounts lost during the merge are deemed unrecoverable.
2011 - The first big name reset in almost ten years happens. Several VERY noteworthy Habbo UK, CA, AU and SG users who were banned, unable to merge or inactive have their users deleted despite outcry to preserve certain accounts. Some famous oldschool rooms are lost forever.
2012 - The mute happens due to mismanagement causing a pedophile scandal. In theory, this is where I believe the great decline happened. The mute *should* have killed Habbo, but it somehow didn't due to its loyal core users proopping it up through this difficult period.
2013 - 2019 (keeping it brief now, as this is recent memory for most people) - Several massively unpopular UI revisions happen, several core Sulakians leave (NotMiceElf being one of them), the art style for Habbo becomes massively inconsistent in quality and scale, Habbos UI...
... Style drifts away from looking pixelly, taxation starts to slowly creep in more, casinos (which were a core part of the game for 15 years!) are banned, customer service becomes unusable, and more!
2020 - #Habbo2020 is announced, which is essentially just a new isometric game wearing Habbos skin. Taxation is horrific, value of items is capped, the UI looks like a mobile game, everything that made Habbo Habbo is gone.

Did I miss anything? RT this and share your experiences.
Oh! For any new users who aren't aware of what anything on this list is - I can probably rattle my brain and elaborate on any of this if you need me to. Keep in mind that this is a very brief quick-take on what happened. A lot of smaller unmentioned things dominoed over time.
Oh, oh! And a thing I wanted to tack on here - Sulake accidentally got lucky with Habbo in the early days. Many people don't realise it now, but Habbo wasn't originally made with teenagers in mind back in the day. We just took it over and Sulake kinda just rolled with it.
What they don't realise *now* though, that lucky accident won't fly because kids nowa days have completely different tastes & are growing up in a completely different world. Habbo just isn't cool anymore to kids/teens.
My honest take is that after the mute in 2012, Sulake should have focused on reinventing Habbo as a space for late teens and young adults. They should have "grown up" so-to-speak with their users. Just seems like they really wasted a chance to reinvent themselves positively.
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