I’ve thought a lot about why so many of us are so bothered by what the Mayor did today.

At one point, it hit me.
We’ve all wanted to do what the Mayor did today.

We’ve all wanted to see someone.

Hug someone. Take care of someone.

In person

And, yet, we elected not to.


Because we put our faith in the advice of others.

We put our faith in the idea that one day our collective sacrifice would mean something.

And yeah, it’s hurt.
A lot.

We’ve missed birthdays. And anniversaries.

Some of us have missed goodbyes and funerals.

All of us have missed something.

I miss being able to hug my mother.

I’m sure others miss hugs with their mothers and fathers too.

The easiest thing would be for all of us to do what the Mayor did today.

Hop on that plane and throw caution to the jetstream winds.

Here’s what really gets me though, eight months into this…

The Mayor had a real chance to lead by example this week.

Now his example will forever tarnish his ability to lead.

And we could really use some leadership right about now.

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