funny how a lot of people are not the least worried about white leftists literally using radical theory & aesthetics as a means to get into people's pants, groom communist minors, and worst cases, use it to gaslight them

anyways (sorry, but a thread)
tw: r*pe, abuse

so yk how i said something about my abuser leveraging restorative justice against me, knowing im an abolitionist? well that m*n is a former recruiter for [REDACTED]. they groomed me & other minors in the same manner; using radlit and abusing their "mentorship"
he's welll known in circles to use misinterpreted & even willfull bastardization of materialist feminist lit to gaslight commie minors. literally i was actually thinking i was going insane like even the basic values i've been taught were bourgeois & "revisionist"
he slithers into Black women & Black nonbinary spaces, is a notorious chaser of Black trans women, his Black fetish completely dependent on subjugating Black nonmen, & used Black womanist theory for that purpose only
im still living the effects, as do many others, of {REDACTED]'s absolute persistence in not listening, or actually, their complete & willfull complicity in keeping anti-Black sex pests, abusers, groomers, & p*dos in their ranks.
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