I was in El Sereno to help defend the people that moved into the CalTrans homes. I went to watch the press conference held by organizers and was gonna head home since I’d been up since 6:15 for the #BlockGarcetti action. Then I saw a bunch of CHP headed towards the homes.
Went around the corner and you’ll never guess what I saw. Even more CHP. This is for THREE UNARMED PEOPLE.
Got back to the house and witnessed one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever seen. I can’t imagine what it was like being in a dark, cold house and having this happen. All because the state cares more about its old shitty abandoned property than it does people.
There are over a hundred empty homes. And they will do this to defend them all. Because they’re evil. What the fuck are we supposed to do when we are faced with a fucking fake ass military of people whose actual job is to give fucking speeding tickets.
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