THREAD. 1/ I see #Liberals is trending. I call my work Liberals for Sanity since I am a left wing, proLGB woman. I am fighting with other left wing women to expose the harmd of gender identity ideology which is being sold to us as progressive and pro-diversity, but it is anything
2/ First. if we wear teaching kids to wear what they want and break stereotypes, that would be great. But gender identity ideology is about forming "identity" around those aesthetics. rather than teaching everyone that they should
"be themselves" and accept others, we are
3/ telling them that if they like barbies they are on the girl side of a continuum and possibly trans if born male.
This is sexist and regressive. girls can be tomboys, boys can like femmy things, that does not change their identity. These ideas are sexist, regressive and it
4/ leads kids, especially kids who feel different (autistic kids and young gays and lesbians who don't know who they are yet) to think they are "born in the wrong body." There is HUGE profit in teaching kids this, you may not see the money change hands but we are all paying for
5/ Make no mistake, the reason you hear so much about gender identity (and you hear nothing about WOMEN, by the way, because nobody cares about women, we aren't profitable) is because it profitable. Please call on your parties to call for #releasetheGBA.
6/ Women are being hurt by this (below are cases of men with penises who are legal women in canada who terrorize women), as are gays and lesbians. LGB people are leaving the TQ++ orgs over genderism and forming LGB ALLIANCE groups here. @ALLIANCELGB @LGBAlliance_USA
8. Importantly, we can all wear what we want and be diverse without erasing sex based language and law, which hurts women, LGB orgs, and others.
You can't gain acceptance by erasing women as a sex based class, and LGB people as sexual orientation (not a gender preference)
9/ we can all wear what we want and love whom we want without telling kids they are queer (genderqueer) for having blue hair. or telling them that stereotypes like femininity MAKE them a girl. This is backwards. we can tell them to be themselves. #Liberals
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