debunking myths about screenreaders not reading location, what emoji spam sounds like, general accessibility, and fonts: a thread
i'm legally blind and can't see a foot in front of me without my glasses, and i'm still a minor

i am losing my vision consistently every year, and adhd can sometimes give me painful migraines and i can't read the text on my phone
it doesn't sit right with me that the casual abled person tweets "take fonts out of your bio or i unfollow you" when not being affected by it at all... you do realize this doesn't help us, right? an account with fonts in it losing a follower does NOTHING.
your "just unfollowed everyone with fonts!" isn't saving our lives. it's performative and actually worse. you're abled, and you know they're bad, so SHOW the people with fonts tweets about them being ableist instead of pretending to be an ally. it doesn't do shit
to me, to them, or to you.

it doesn't make the internet more accessible. one follower doesn't deplatform a person. unfollowing people with fonts doesn't help us AT ALL.

what does help is letting us speak. share videos of screenreaders reading them. tag people with fonts.
spread the word instead of doing your fake activism.
and now onto debunking myths that have been spread by said people speaking over us
built in phone screenreaders (android and ios) read locations AND links.

this was a lie, just like twitter suspending people for fake locations, to get pronouns out of people's bios.

stop spreading this. it's a lie to get pronouns out of your bio and target trans people.
locations being read:
(in list got cut off)
most screenreaders skip over fonts, or say something related To the font. some screenreaders read out the whole font.

this STILL makes using fonts inaccessible for people.
some examples of fonts being read:
***these are my friends who volunteered, don't send hate to them
what's also inaccessible is emojis between every word. this is what it sounds like.
knowing your account is inaccessible to people, and keeping it that way, is ableism. ableism is discrimination against disabled, neurodivergent, generally not abled people, and refusing to make things accessible is discrimination.
i don't care about your aesthetics if i can't read them.
and another thing; you don't experience apps the way we do. so here's me just scrolling on twitter so you realize how accessible you should be.
that's the thread please dm me questions because i don't get notifs
carrds work fine
also just some random things i remember before i sleep

typing with a double space doesn't affect screenreaders

thiz typing quirk iz read out fine
number pronouns are read out like this, in my own opinion i understand them just fine with my screenreader and i don't think they're ableist

but can be hard to understand, so be patient if someone doesn't get it at first
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